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Yorkshire Saint

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Everything posted by Yorkshire Saint

  1. Best wishes to you and your family. 🙏
  2. Don't know what they are feeding you in Sweden David, but posts like that are far to reasoned, balanced and thought through for this forum.
  3. More sand too
  4. 3-0 QPR One for Paul Parker Two for Les Ferdinand
  5. Nothing on mine 😪 thanks though
  6. No worries. Thanks for replying.. can't see it so will have to stick with Adam Blackmore.
  7. Thats all I see...
  8. Thanks for your reply. I dont see it... dont suppose you have a url you can share which I can compare in my account?
  9. If only Now TV supported this 😪
  10. ....its going to be a long winter...
  11. Agreed. I can remember it not feeling "right" singing some of these other teams songs but it added to the banter and the atmosphere... irritated the native team and was usually followed up with a healthy dose of your going home in a Hampshire ambulance.... Although I drawer the line at marching on together ... aka LUFC
  12. Agreed, I remember singing YNWA on the Milton amongst others including the hammers blowing bubbles song. We shouldn't get do hung up about it... its not like no one else sings "our song"....
  13. Its fair to say that the political correctness of songs is having an impact. Has this gone too far ? For sure racial and homophobic chants have no place. What do we make of this ? https://theathletic.com/5114168/2023/12/11/feed-the-scousers-liverpool-everton/
  14. What was the Walker Peters song ?
  15. Ohhhhhh no we won't....
  16. 4-1 Watford.... can't see any other result... E i E i E i ..... oh
  17. Perhaps if it said: Crack, the secret of high performance. This would be more appropriate to Rasmus thinking.
  18. How about: Kyle Walker Peters and if it's quite alright Kyle Walker Peters to warm the lonely nights Kyle Walker Peters trust in me when I say... Kyle Walker Peters don't let me down I pray Kyle Walker Peters now that i found you stay. Im sure someone can tailor it a little...
  19. I wont. They are c***s I am with you brother.
  20. 🤣 I think I still have some contacts in the infamous 657 ... although im sure they have a Facebook page somewhere 🙄 with 6 likes or follows.
  21. 1-3 Defeat .. (you will see what I did here)
  22. Not noticed this thread before and have enjoyed reading it through. I think the North Yorkshire Air has got to you a bit though Turkish, either that or your civil service although I genuinely find your posts enjoyable to read regardless of what is fact and what is fiction. Thankyou for bubbling this back up.
  23. Think that was for the pedantic referee
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