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Yorkshire Saint

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Everything posted by Yorkshire Saint

  1. City losing ...if we win is the drawer tonight?
  2. ..all over them now but up to 2-0 up we looked very nervous ESP at the back and Sunderland were very dominant. Next goal crucial as they still look very strong....quite impressed. Clyne and Long looking good. (Fletcher just gone clean through ...could have been interesting some refs would have given a pen and a red to the keeper but looked a good decision)
  3. Both yellows could easily have been red.
  4. We look bloody poor, nervous and 2-0 up
  5. Both are playing
  6. Like it a lot!
  7. If it was Royal George Salisbury last November it was me lol
  8. Owen the Saints......l loved the old songs for the lyrics, in some cases almost a little story aka wings of a sparrow....I can't read.....etc, today's songs are all so the same and quick fast clapping and repeat words. Great reminders here though, had forgot about yogi bear and also does any one remember "running round Wembley with our willies hanging out" " singing I've got a bigger one than you, no you ain't" ha ..... Remember he is fat he is round he bounces on the ground, spammy lee Sammy lee.... Might be worth a go!
  9. I can't read and I can't write was not PC incorrect....and not chelsea, good song
  10. No chewing gum lol ? Thanks
  11. Can anyone remember this song on the Milton Road, why it was sung and can someone remind me of the words...something like "celery, celery ....... With a lump of chewing gum celery celery" Also, why have a lot of songs I loved disappeared is it just no one remembers them, like, " I can't read and I can't write but that don't really matter etc" or "Go down pub have ten pints etc" is it the PC brigade ?
  12. Stoke away , winnable
  13. Brilliant. Very proud, anyone who wants to say it was a weak arsenal team ********, arsenal were gutted to lose in front of a sell out crowd they wanted it no doubts
  14. We think we have some bell ends on this forum, but read this post on the Spurs forum at a fan that said poch should now....what a knob You are without doubt the most pathetic person who has ever appeared in this board. I am not even angry, I just feel a great deal I pitty for you and anyone associated with you. I mean, you are just the worst kind of human being. I mean, do you ever feel that you need to re-evaluate your life at all? Seriously? I mean don't you ever think just about how **** your life is - maybe you should just end it all? Seriously? Why don't you just kill yourself. I mean, you should kill yourself. Just end it all. Well have a little tribute on here - even though you'd just be someone who used to post, who doesn't post anymore, and we wouldn't know that you had, in fact, died, unless you left it in your note. In fact, you should do that. Leave your note on here. You can mention me if you like. In fact, please do, that way I can take all the credit that will come my way for the fact the human race won't have to endure you anymore. I'll probably get a statue outside the new stadium - me and Bill Nick, encased in bronze - Bill Nick for what he did or Spurs, and me for the fact that you would be dead, and the world will be a better place. I am actually really excited about the prospect of all this now. Don't reply - just go and kill yourself. Do it Sammy. Do it. Kill yourself. That'll show me and everyone else wouldn't it? Because, who really cares? When you really think about your life - who really cares about you. No one. Why, because you're misunderstood and everyone think you're a **** - which you are. So do it Sammy. Kill yourself. Please, please please PLEASE kill yourself. Do it. Do it you ****ing coward. ****ing do it. ****ing kill yourself. Put and end to your stupid, pathetic existence. KILL YOUR SELF.
  15. http://www.thefightingcock.co.uk/forum/threads/the-official-poch-out-thread.11846/ Official pochettino out thread lol
  16. Pardew finished toon 2-0 down. JWP off might be a blessing
  17. Dirty bastard, fully deserved
  18. We can only get better,JWP and long look off the pace the rest not much better..get to HT 0-0 and re-group.
  19. Who the **** is potechinno
  20. Nice, thanks
  21. Any recommended streams ?
  22. Pablo Zabelleta plus two other young city players on my flight from Manchester to Dusseldorf, not sure it helps Saints much though
  23. What was Morgans celebration like ?
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