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Yorkshire Saint

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Everything posted by Yorkshire Saint

  1. Big B for Buddha, big because it covers 2 B... B for Ben B for Brereton Beware false prophets from the east.
  2. Its a good guess
  3. Beware false prophets from the east
  4. If you look at the horns closely you will see an M an O and an R. The hills might be in Scotland Thats all the help I can give you as LLSS
  5. One foot. As in Juan .... surprised you all missed it. The other foot being Wellington, as in boot. Its easy when you know how 😇😆
  6. I know !! .....
  7. Its never a good sign when you have to start explaining your jokes Turkish. Is there something fishy in the water in Harrogate again ?
  8. Truth comes in many forms....
  9. LLSS..... I have never seen a ship with lips. If the implication is a reference to a person telling the truth about something being done, that is wrong. That person could be considered a snitch. And the saying implies a threat. Who cares about threats? If it is wrong, it is wrong and should be made right. Especially if the wrong done is against me. That mentality is why crime is so rampant, like it is. The ship(s) that need to sink are the ones trying to keep the truth from floating to the surface. Make of that as you will.
  10. Paul Allen is buying us ?
  11. Apple are our new shirt sponsors ?
  12. The more they can push signings in to a new financial year contractually the better id guess. Announcements will likely come post 1st July.
  13. I guess Ipswich is as east as it gets this season 😅😉
  14. I knew that 😬 just checking you were awake.... (I will get my coat) ....
  15. I knew that 😬 just checking you were awake.... (I will get my coat) .....
  16. Not sure our Croatian owners will be so keen ...
  17. Its an understandable statement. I sometimes wonder, could he take a whole season in the PL, stamina wise.
  18. ...or copy and paste correctly.
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