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  1. Just found out I can if I can get a ticket? Anyone know of any spares? Thanks
  2. oh ****ing hell
  3. Never happening but if anyone hears of a spare let me know asap, Money waiting...Got a customer number mixed up with another and haven't got a ticket, My own fault I know but a quick 30 second call from the ticket office and it could have been sorted.
  4. Never happening but if anyone does hear of any spares let me know. Money waiting.
  5. Definitely like the idea. Like you said, I think theirs to much going on with Northam and parts of Kingsland and Itchen all trying to get involved.
  6. Very much looking forward to this one now. 12 of us travelling up early Saturday morning. Staying overnight for a mates birthday.
  7. Free echos on a saturday after a Dell game!
  8. These Vubuzela things (or whatever the **** they are called) are going to do my head right in. Sounds like a huge swarm of wasps inside a stadium. Got £10 on Pienaar to score first. Tight 1-0 either way i reckon
  9. Sfc90

    New Kit...

    Quality shirt and socks I just don't like the black sock idea.
  10. Just saw Andrew Surman driving through Ocean Village. Probably just back down to see family/friends but you never know!
  11. Winner has to be spain for me Runner up Brazil Underachievers ourselves as always Best Player. David Villa To be honest i can't see England beating any of the following. Germany, Italy, France, Argentina, Spain, Brazil or even the Dutch. We are absolutely ****e to be fair!
  12. "11th hour deal was completed" It's always so dramatic. Start the day saying more than likely they'll be liquidated by 3pm. Come 3pm they're saved. I'm glad they're safe and sound but is anyone lower then say League 1 ever going to be liquidated, I doubt it.
  13. Baj, By doing it, I haven't notice any changes what so ever.
  14. In reply to all of you that were wondering. I don't really have much idea about the phones but have had my Iphone Jailbroke by someone else. The actual process takes about 10 seconds through a computer. It automatically adds an app called Cydia to your phone. Once you've got this you can do things like change your wallpaper, screensaver, ringtones to pretty much anything you want. Also, if you download Installous from Cydia it is basically an app store for free. I have downloaded Football Manager, Tiger Woods, The Sims, a £70 Sat-Nav, all for nothing. I mean for Installous it's worth doing it just for that, pretty much never have to pay for an app again. I haven't gone in to too much detail as like I said I don't no very much but this is what I did know.
  15. Always wondered this! When you see the likes of Leeds, Grimsby, Chesterfield and Blackpool doing it over the past few weeks. So much more passion down in the lower leagues
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