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Everything posted by Danny

  1. There's a small update about it at the bottom of the story: http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/news/4702168.Connolly_proving_he_s_well_worth_Pards__gamble/
  2. Windows 7 is supposed to have lower minimum specs than Vista and has been designed to run on netbooks. I was looking at some reviews the other day and everything actually points towards it being quite good. Which I suppose it has to be after the bungled launch of Vista.
  3. Ah the memories. Was brilliant until everyone realised and then it got a bit swamped with ne'er do wells.
  4. I've got no problem with the Football League Show at all. Bearing in mind they have to fit in highlights from three divisions, I think it does an admirable job. Being able to watch it on iPlayer/get extended highlights on Monday just makes the package even better to use, IMO.
  5. I've used older versions of media Portal before and it should easily do exactly what you need. Also the codecs and stuff are usually easily available.
  6. Sulaiman Al Fahim.
  7. You should still be able to buy it tonight, if it hasn't sold out.
  8. I finally have my copy so if anyone wants to add me feel free - DanK_SFC as mentioned above.
  9. Danny

    Fifa 10

    My copy has FINALLY been posted by Tesco. I ordered it on Saturday. So by this time next week I should finally be playing. Huzzah.
  10. I'm waiting for my copy to be delivered (should come sometime midweek). Think it'll take some getting used to as I'm a PES convert, but my PSN ID is DanK_SFC.
  11. I doubt it seeing as we've played this way since we moved to St Mary's. Also, kicking towards the Northam is kicking towards a vast space of empty seats. Blocks 41 and 42 might be full, but beyond there is nothing at all. I don't even think block 43 is open most games. Besides as previously said, it's mainly to do with the Sun, which is more of an issue throughout the winter months.
  12. I suppose the motives for helping them out is what it comes down to. If it is being done as they are purely trying to stop the worst from happening to a club, then that's fair enough. If however, they are trying to stop it to save face as the PL bigwigs don't want to be seen responsible as a takeover some of them had a hand in is going down the swanny, then it is rotten to the core. Of course we'll never know, will we?
  13. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/news/4663084.Saints_trying_to_revive_the_spirit_of_St_Mary_s/ Kind of makes the initial post look like a massive over reaction, IMO.
  14. Danny

    Fifa 10

    By all accounts, get it from Asda or Tesco unless you don't need that extra £15.
  15. Actually, I used to write a consumer affairs column, so nerr.
  16. It will still be covered under the Sale of Goods Act 1976. Just take it back to the shop and they have to offer to repair it (for a fee, unless it is quite new) or offer you a replacement at a discounted rate. As it's the 60Gb one, I guess it's about two years old, right?
  17. Empty is worse than half empty.
  18. I imagine it would look like a smaller version of Old Trafford.
  19. A couple of years ago I read a result of an opinion poll (something like 5000 random responses) asking British people what percentage of the world's refugees have come to the UK. Most people thought it was 33 per cent (the highest option available). In fact it is somewhere between 1.9 and 3 per cent.
  20. And three weeks ago you could have got it for £130. Go figure.
  21. How can there be factual errors on player attributes when it is all opinion? AFAIK the youth players are there. I've only played it for about three hours so far, but I saw names I'm sure I recognised. And yes, there was a lot wrong with Reading/Derby thing. If I remember correctly, it only got changed after the massive outpouring of disbelief on here - after all there is no 'temporary' setting for rivals in the game, is there? And IMO to crow about CM being inaccurate is a bit rich with episodes such as that in the memory. I might buy FM, but I didn't bother with 09 as I had become fed up with the whole thing after nothing really in the way of noticeable advances since 2007. I have to say, for £2.50, I'm more than happy with CM atm. My opinion might change the more I play it, but so far I've had no problems.
  22. It's in MLT's autobiography. That's where they got it from I imagine.
  23. PLaying CM10 at the moment. Seems okay to me. Besides, I don't think FM is always factually accurate anyway (ignoring the opinions side of the debate) - who was it who had Saints down as rivals with Reading and Derby, after all?
  24. How do we 'know' they are best mates?
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