526 -
Everything posted by Danny
The game will never be replayed, although the argument about the precedent between Bahrain and Uzbekistain is an interesting one. The very fact that that has happened makes a mockery of the law that says the decision of the referee is final. Despite the futility of the appeal, I think the FAI is right to do it, if nothing else, just to put Blatter on the spot.
I was at the game, and what amazed me as I left Paris today was how embarrassed the french are about the whole thing. They are actually quite openly ashamed of Henry for what he did, which I have to be honest, is not the reaction I would have expected.
In a nutshell, yes. Match reports are done direct to a template, which is pulled in from a previous match. After a typical match, a total of about 2,500 (give or take) words of copy are filed, as well as interviews being carried out. Due to time constraints, reporters write direct to page when doing match reports (also normally, they'll be doing two reports - one for The Pink and one for the Echo, which would roughly double the amount of copy to be filed from what I said above). The page will not be checked by a reader, although the sub putting the rest of the pages back at the office may get time to cast a glance over the copy, provided everything runs smoothly and to time (which is rare). In a nutshell, that is how mistakes can be made. As for ratings, like everyone, reporters have opinions. You may agree, you may disagree. That's the point of ratings.
AFAICT, he's in tears and punching the wall because after 17 hours straight, he has decided it's shíte. I love the bit when he screams in pain after punching the wall. Made me laugh, which perhaps it shouldn't do.
Mental kid has breakdown on camera - because he doesn't like COD: MW2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EMCJDFzF0g&feature=player_embedded
It'll be on. RTÉ and Sky are just playing hard ball until the last possible moment. Not that I'm worried as I'll be in the press box at the Stade de France! Might have to hope there is no free booze there so I don't forget myself in the heat of the moment.
Yet this was not a major issue when revenues were shared more fairly between the top four divisions, yet is when more money than ever is being poured into the top division.
Just to play Devil's advocate for a moment, no-one cares about Berwick playing in Scotland or Cardiff, Swansea and Wrexham playing in England. In terms of cold hard facts, why would Celtic and Rangers playing in England be any different to those arrangements mentioned above?
Well, they're completely different types of games, so it's hard to draw a direct comparison between the two, really.
Shameless plug, but I wrote about this the other day. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/view_from_the_chapel/4733175.A_closed_shop_is_bad_for_business/ IMO, it's a stupid idea and will do more harm than good.
Me too. Great ending. Leaves plenty of room for MW3 too. Will hopefully give a decent crack on the multi[layer over the next few days. Looking forward to trying out the Spec Ops missions too, provided the missus doesn't want to watch too much TV!
I've been playing COD:WaW on veteran of late and that has been a real challenge for me. If it wasn't for that, I think I'd probably be struggling on regular on MW2. As it is, I'm 'getting through' but I'm by no means tearing it up.
Bought it from Sainsbury's this morning and started playing about 11am. Havne't tried it online yet, but I ploughing through the campaignn on regular. Think I'll try it on veteran before too long. So far, so good though.
Just spotted this on a BRFC forum: http://www.brfcforum.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=87238&view=findpost&p=1154863
Can't argue with that assesment, in my opinion. I thought we'd looked below par playing 442 last night, but in all honesty I think the system is a secondary issue.
It's a need for self validation confined to a very small minority. Most people couldn't care less I'd imagine, but you'll always get a vocal minority who like to shout you down, regardless of subject matter - be it God or what beer you drink. Speak to them in the real world, it'll probably be a civilised debate. Online it's akin to rabid monkeys eating your face. I wouldn't take those sorts of debates as indicative of most atheists. IMHO, of course.
http://dailyecho.co.uk/webchat Anyone going to ask questions we should look out for?
Jason Dodd is in talks to join Saints for a third time. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/news/4711782.Dodd_on_verge_of_joining_Saints_again/
I used SuSE (9 I think) as a dual boot on my XP desktop a few years ago. It was okay, but the lack of Linux versions of things like iTunes meant I hardly used it.
Don't forget plans for a £600m floating toilet bowl stadium followed by the plans to build a stadium on a rubbish tip.
The thing not picked up on there, is that the January cash has already been pledged to Standard Bank, according to Peter Storrie. Uh-oh.
They are not in administration because the creditors have not yet pulled the plug and called in their loans. The Premier League can help by trying to get creditors to give Pompey more time but they can't stop it happening if the creditors decide to cut their losses. Man United will not be going into administration despite the size of their debt because they are servicing it and are not defaulting on repayments. How much a business owes has nothing to do with it - it is failure to meet repayments which opens up the possibility of administration.
Ladies and gentlemen, squeaky bum time is here.
Didn't Pini Zahavi say they owed him something like £3m a couple of months back?
If I hadn't used it already today, I'd post up an "Internets: Serious Business" picture.