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Everything posted by Danny

  1. As I've said before, it reminds me of Old Trafford about a decade ago: And if the Chapel and Northam were extended, I'd imagine it'd be a smaller version of how it was a couple of years ago, before two of the quadrants were filled in:
  2. Things aren't really getting any better for them... http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/football/5018682.Pompey_slammed_as__amateur__by_their_own_player/
  3. Only a share of what any assets that can be sold off can raise. However, more importantly, they will be protecting themselves (us) from any future failures to pay.
  4. I'm honestly not too sure how to take that!
  5. It's only the most boring because no-one was talking to you Rabbit.
  6. My guess is that it would look like a miniature Old Trafford, but I'd still be interested to see what you've come up with Crabs/Ben/Dan whoever you are . FYI I sit in the middle of the Chapel...
  7. Storrie: "Most clubs would be insolvent if you used the criteria of debt." And this is the chief executive speaking. Honestly, I ask you.
  8. Although I've just been emailed a deal which even blows that one out of the water... http://www.play.com/Games/Xbox360/4-/13665734/Xbox-360-Elite-Console-+-Halo-ODST-+-Forza-Motorsport-3-+-Gears-of-War-2-+-Fable-II/Product.html
  9. I had a press release from Sainsbury's the other day that saying that they are selling Elite 360s for £160 until early next week (the deal started yesterday) rather than the RRP of £200. Might be of use to anyone with the RROD...
  10. I love this comment on that story: http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/news/Portsmouth-ask-Premier-League-to-let-them-sell-Nadir-Belhadj-Kevin-Prince-Boateng-and-Mark-Wilson-NOW-to-pay-bills-Exclusive-article325979.html?plckFindCommentKey=CommentKey:dee781c3-f18c-4831-93e6-1cd0a4b4f8eb
  11. Indeed. Also, why would they wait until tomorrow to do it? They'd do it immediately.
  12. Coincidentally, I watched it last night too. Clive Tyldesleymentioned dock strikes just before the second half. Doesn't make it any more historically correct though. There was no dock strike at Portsmouth broken by dockers from Southampton, and as far as I am aware, there was never any organisation named "Southampton Corporation Union Men".
  13. The European Cup worked perfectly well for decades before it became the Champions' League in the 90s. The CL is only as it is as the cartel of 'big clubs' the G14 threatened UEFA with breakaway if they didn't have their way. Juventus' attendances are terrible. Celtic's are brilliant (as are many of the German clubs, who have more fans than most Premier League and La Liga sides). Does Juve being in there ahead of any of those clubs cheapen the competition? Was it bad when the Ajax were winning it? No. I have always wondered though how the name "Champions League" would stand up against a complaint under the Trade Descriptions Act though...
  14. Actually, that's just pure coincidence!
  15. Prior to the rigging, it was roughly a third to hammer us, a third to beat us narrowly, and 10-15 per cent for us to win. The rest a voted for a draw.
  16. It is true, as the The News reporter who compiled that list worked on Saints OS at the time.
  17. Winding-up is how.
  18. No, it's fine. I'm not overly thrilled with being known as a reporter on here, but it's not really that much of an issue. I'm not going to comment on the paper, but personally the main problem it has caused me is the number of abusive emails/comments I've received and had to deal with. As I'm sure you'll understand, I really don't want to get into this any further. I have been reading the thread will continue to do so (as a Saints fan - that's why I've used this site and previous versions of for the best part of a decade - an not as a work related exercise).
  19. As an ACTUAL Echo staff member (no, I'm not being dragged into this debate) I just want to say there is a lot of supposition on this thread being touted as FACT, which I doubt very much is helping clear the situation.
  20. I can feel a Spartacus moment coming on.
  21. Jack Cork would walk into our team, I must say. That's why he is on loan at a Premier League side and not at a League One or Championship club.
  22. His missus is rather fetching, it must be said.
  23. My mate who has been reviewing it is actually quite impressed. Says it's a steep learning curve but has had no problems with lag or anything. He's speaking of it quite highly.
  24. A friend of mine got an advance copy and has been hammering away at it. When I see him I'll report back on his impressions of it.
  25. No, I didn't.
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