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Everything posted by shirleysfc

  1. Lol. You've had too much sun.
  2. It would be much better if they actually let him finish answering a question before moving to the next point. Who makes the decision that he's an ex-extremist...?
  3. Presumably Theresa May brought up this issue when she visited Saudi recently? Would have been the perfect opportunity. Or is she more interested in trade and oil? Strong and stable and all that...
  4. He said he condemned bombing by both sides - the IRA and the loyalists. https://twitter.com/MartinBelam/status/866242429078429697 Whether you believe him or not is up to you.
  5. Was this you Nolan? https://www.change.org/p/southampton-university-southampton-conservative-society-must-apologise-to-the-nursing-profession
  6. No, they **** about on here so much Monday to Thursday that by the time Friday comes they're panicking about the weekend deadlines. Dulldays is peeling spuds for Sunday's roast.
  7. A fact that has been in the media a lot. The problem is also being addressed and tackled. https://improvement.nhs.uk/news-alerts/agency-caps-one-year-600m-saved-nhs-spending-still-too-high/
  8. 99 MPs voted against that act, 83 were Tory. Only 29 Tories voted for it.
  9. So it's from comment is free, just as Shurlock suggested. Well done for confirming this though, I suppose.
  10. Will there be a plethora of lies from the Tories? Yes or no will do.
  11. Pretty sure Dave can't take over from Jez as he isn't currently an MP
  12. Labour can't oppose. They've been banging on about TM not having a mandate since she became PM. This should be good opportunity for the Lib Dems but I don't have much faith in them not ****ing it up...
  13. So, he told the club he wanted them to consider his opportunity to move but didn't hand in a transfer request. I guess he didn't want to lose a loyalty bonus? To be fair, he does have to live another 50 years without working...
  14. So, how many out of contract Premier League standard centre backs do you think are just sat at home waiting for the phone to ring???
  15. You get that we can only sign players who are out of contract, yeah?
  16. Sounds a sensible and fair suggestion to me.
  17. That's not strictly true. Man City (at least they used to) have a points system that goes back years. The draw back with this is that it's more difficult for new/younger fans to 'get on the ladder'. It's swings and roundabouts...
  18. Rotation. Hasn't Stephens started the last 3 games?
  19. Hasn't he conceded 3 now this season so far?
  20. If we don't get a penalty out of him Saturday then we've ballsed up!
  21. Stop the world, I want to get off...
  22. It's not the reason I go to football but whatever floats your boat, I suppose.
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