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Everything posted by GuttedAnt

  1. October 3rd it is then.
  2. The release date has been put back to the 3rd of October on Amazon. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Electronic-Arts-FIFA-Xbox-360/dp/B001B7EYPI/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1221601617&sr=1-2 My confirmation e-mail is till saying 26th though.
  3. El oh El
  4. Yep, its even on listed on the website as being released on the 26th. So I've promtly pre-ordered one from there instead of waiting till October 3rd!
  5. Aslong as Lawro is'nt doing the commentry again I might have a go.
  6. I played the **** out of Hotel Dusk.
  7. The game is anti-christian apparently http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=196847
  8. I had high hopes for this but the demo did nothing for me. Typical lazy lucus arts SW game. I think its out towards the end of September though. Hopefully the full game will be better. :s
  9. Yeah, you had to lead it one way to expose the chain that was holding him back, run back the opposite side and put the trough on top of the chain to keep him in place. And then go and that that stuff with the plaster!
  10. When you tried to get past the goat in the courtyard, it'd headbutt you everytime and you'd have to try and find a way round it.
  11. Its when she said 'Lara Croft is an iconic gaming figure' that I had to stop listening.
  12. That bit was famously annoying. Anyone who'd played BS will remember that bit! Bloody goat. Saying that, I loved the Irish section of the game.
  13. Shellac - Prayer to God
  14. I saw the PS1 version of Broken Sword in gamestation a little while ago. Wish I'd picked it up.
  15. One of my favourite games of all time. Loved the first one to bits.
  16. Actually, thats wrong. My 360 RROD 2 months ago but I got that message long before it died on me.
  17. Ive had it once. My 360 and COD4 has continued to play fine since.
  18. Did the cab driver shout "Stupid malaka!" when he dragged him out?
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