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  1. Love it. Been playing since Wednesday. Can't fault any part of the game so far. Massively improved on from oblivion imo. Having fun using bows at the moment. Pack way more of punch than the ones in oblivion.
  2. Be interested to see what this looks/plays like on the consoles. Hopethey can pull off the air combat on the 360. Been waiting for this for years.
  3. My brother text me to say the Saints shop in West Quay has been bombed. I told him it was rubbish but now I read this. Who knows? Can't imagine it's a bomb though?!
  4. Havn't done any psychedelics but I'm a huge fan of Doug Stanhope and Joe Rogan! Are you going to any/been to see any of Stanhopes uk dates this year?
  5. Anybody here a fan of the comics?
  6. It's hilarious how that guy doing the '******' gesture starts doing it faster as Ricky took his run up. Something wrong there.
  7. One of the best comics in this country. Wouldn't want to see him in an arena though.
  8. Arghhh.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRS_2HgPPys
  10. Blimey! Well done!
  11. I thought it was alright. The controls are a bit **** but highjacking vehicles mid-flight is fun.
  12. http://www.leicestersquaretheatre.com/lqt/show/S1251213298/Doug+Stanhope If anyone is interested.
  13. Been a fan for a while now. Saw him at Leicester Square theatre last year. Really great comedian
  14. Posting in support of AP.
  15. Felt sorry for him at the end. Looked devastated.
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