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Kadeem Hardison

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Everything posted by Kadeem Hardison

  1. You'll also know that IQ is an entirely made-up concept; that intelligence qualities cannot truly be measured (as they are not superposable), particularly with an outdated test such as the IQ test. So don't put all your eggs in that basket, as your intellect is pretty clear to everyone who reads your posts on here.
  2. I've looked into the legalities, Stu, and it wouldn't be a problem. We wouldn't be seen to be advertising them as we could just state that we were showing the places to avoid. The same would go for dogging spots, gay saunas, public toilets used for cottaging, etc. If you have a list of the best ones of these in each area you've visited I could add in some from the places I've visited and we could have a pretty comprehensive list then.
  3. Exactly, Jeff. Atticus really is a knob so just ignore him. I don't see him pulling hilarious stunts like posting something on the Pompey board and then posting a link to it on here. He's always too quick to criticise others but I've never seen him pull a funny and crazy jape like that. Atticus, you are a knob. It's people like Jeff who keep this place alive with their brilliant jokes. Maybe you should contribute something to the place once in a while before you make snide comments?
  4. Now I'm as thick as pigsh*t, but I can tell that he wasn't calling you a Nazi, rather a gullible moron. Good luck with that IQ thing.
  5. Read before you post.
  6. I agree with thedelldays and EastleighSoulBoy on this one.
  7. Yeh, because that 493-page 'Pompey Takeover Saga' thread that has been at the top of this board for months has only been posted on 24,605 times and viewed 900,985 times out of ambivalence.
  8. Agreed. This place has really gone down the toilet in the past few days. This sort of thing wouldn't have happened last week.
  9. This is just the sort of flippant post that I have been banned from the main board for. I understand that racism and homophobia should be completely tolerated on this forum, but this sort of thing is out of order on a serious board.
  10. I hate to tell you this, but... you're racist. Mental. Absolutely mental. How big a conspiracy theorist do you have to be to come to the conclusion that people aren't laughing not, rather obviously because they don't find something funny, but that they are brainwashed into not laughing? You are john nada, aren't you?
  11. You've spelt your nickname wrong in the 'Location' field.
  12. I went to see Frankie Boyle live last year and I was incredibly offended. Offended that I'd paid money to see that unfunny tw*t. He was utter garbage.
  13. Why is Boj so scared of fatty Stu? What a crawly bumlick.
  14. Is there an irony in someone posting sympathetically about the awful, harrowing things done at Auschwitz, only to refer to the Germans as 'Krauts'?
  15. I think that all paedos and child killers should be subjected to eternal damnation. But it's all too sketchy for me. What if the criteria for getting in to heaven is not what we think? What if, just before he dies, he confesses his sins to Our Lord and is absolved in the eyes of the God. We don't want him going to heaven with all the ambrosia and nectar and virgins. Or should we want that, if that is what God wants? Also, I heard that he was doing voodoo some time back. Who's to say that he has made some sort of pact with the devil and so his time in hell would be spent by the side of Satan, helping him do bad things, which he'd ultimately enjoy, wouldn't he? I just don't know that this is the right route to take, Arizona. Maybe one of us would need to do a deal with the Lord/the Devil to make sure that he gets the punishment he deserves, irrespective of any deals that he has made with either party?
  16. Sounds to me like she's not even trying. Why couldn't she fit alarms? And not being able to drive doesn't stop most taxi drivers. Lazy.
  17. Don't bother asking, Atticus. In TMS, nobody can hear you scream. Just sign up to the EDL and show the mods your credentials if you really want back on the main board. Jobs for the boys and all that.
  18. Am I allowed back on the main board yet, mods?
  19. Are you being serious?
  20. I do. I agree with you that he shouldn't wear anything.
  21. Bloody immigrants. I remember when those Anglo-Saxons came over here from Germany, stealing our jobs and claiming our benefits. They are worse than the paedos/Muslims/speed cameras* *Delete as applicable.
  22. I like chess. It's a bit like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II.
  23. I agree - I can't stand it that people can listen to different tracks from different artists one after the other. It just goes beyond mental. A song is written by an artist specifically for it to be played within the context of the album. I imagine that when they are writing it, they are always thinking about the song that is going before it and after it. Don't even get me started on releasing singles! Why would anyone want to release a song on its own! With B-sides that are different to the songs that it will sit beside on the album? What kind of message are they sending out - that it is ok to listen to that song out of the context of the album? F*cking mental, no wonder the music industry is losing money! And what about when they licence their song for a film soundtrack? To be played next to a song from a different band? What the f*ck is going on with that? Do they not know that the song just simply doesn't work if listened to in that context? Jeepers. This country.
  24. I am really looking forward to this game. I have just bought some new leads so that I can stream it from my laptop to the big telly. Set me back a few quid, but definitely worth it. Bought them as soon as I saw this thread - thanks for pointing it out, Saint Martini. I owe you a pint!
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