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Kadeem Hardison

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Everything posted by Kadeem Hardison

  1. Violent people should all be stabbed.
  2. It was only the threat of arrest that stopped you having "the pleasure" of smashing their faces in?
  3. Jillyanne is the new Crouchie.
  4. I watched Dead Man's Shoes on TV the other day, which I liked. Last week I watched Cloverfield and Punch Drunk Love on iTunes as I was bored. I enjoyed them both. I was also cajoled into seeing Clone Wars which was better than expected, but an entirely pointless film nonetheless. Today I watched 24 Hour Party People again, because I love it so.
  5. What a penis. We will dominate Europe for the next fifty years, clearly. Just need to beat Blackpool next week.
  6. Have we had any corners yet?
  7. I blame the muslim paedo speed cameras.
  8. Princess Diana didn't look too happy when I tried to take her photograph in a tunnel in Paris. I'd even given her driver a bottle of scotch to slow down for me.
  9. He probably found out you were a xenophobe.
  10. Friday - Paedowatch. I hang around Winchester watching a paedo and his mate.
  11. I didn't know you could read.
  12. Ladyboy yoghurt from Thailand. Doves sweeties from Ibiza. Chicken.
  13. Where on earth did he get an attitude like that from? Kids, eh.
  14. 205 for me. I am much loved.
  15. Say what you like about his methods, Wiltshire Saint makes an excellent point. From the main board to film and music, this place is utter turd. That's what happens when you charge £5: you get a bunch of solipsists who actually think their opinions are so worthwhile that they are prepared to pay to share them.
  16. Bloody scroungers. If it isn't them, it's the gay muslim paedos or the speed camera global warming hoodies. No wonder knife crime is up. The other day I saw a single mum benefits scrounger turn up to collect her giro with a police escort. The post office not only gave her the giro, she got £75,000 cash bonus, a fancy new pair of shoes, a book token, a family size bucket of KFC AND she got to wear the policeman's hat.
  17. Topical.
  18. I stick my finger up the man I'm marking's bum.
  19. ...
  20. Indonesian player Mistar was trampled to death by a herd of pigs that stormed the pitch in 1995. His team were warming up for a forthcoming game. Nasty injury that. Killer would have come back from it though. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_footballers_who_died_while_playing
  21. 181 for me.
  22. I will invest £10m in Southampton Football Club if alpine saint never posts on here again. I will invest £30m if he beats himself to death with his own shoe. alpine, the future of the club is now in your hands. Show your love.
  23. That is a video of James Harries becoming pre-op.
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