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Kadeem Hardison

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Everything posted by Kadeem Hardison

  1. I'm in the mood for Richie, who's not titchy, in fact he's very well endowed.
  2. Are they the yellow ones or the blue ones?
  3. I have nearly saved up £5. Hopefully with my Christmas money I'll be able to afford it. Hopefully my nan will sellotape £1 into my card.
  4. Ponty and saint stevo know each other from prison.
  5. Agreed. We don't want the Wombles being interfered with.
  6. Apart from standing in mud (which some people enjoy anyway) you do know that all of those statements don't really have a pejorative sense unless you are a depressing little c*nt desperate to prove something to make up for a lack of genuine personality, don't you?
  7. ....at the end of the season.
  8. Shut up you boring dweebs.
  9. http://www.quickcup.co.uk/
  10. How long do I have to wait on that video until the funny song comes up?
  11. Congratulations on winning lots of money. I couldn't wish it on a better person. That makes 3 of you who have made a success out of your lives after being rescued from that orphanage. God bless you and god bless the Cheeky Girls. At least you didn't have to suckle on Lembit Opik's winkle.
  12. Written by a couple of the writers from the US version of The Office, which is promising.
  13. Kip, if you die this weekend can I have your full membership on here please?
  14. You shouldn't be dissing the brethren like that. You won't be allowed into the next Red Panthers meeting.
  15. Make sure you take the ectoids in time to come up for X Factor.
  16. Kip, did you bet on the world ending today?
  17. I am looking forward to getting sucked off by this black ho everyone is talking about.
  18. I notice one of his punishments is to be "banned from wearing school uniforms".
  19. I hate you cool kids.
  20. Registered users shouldn't be allowed opinions. Especially ones like the one from Wiltshire Saint above. mynameisthehulk has paid £5 which means he is better than you and he should be allowed to say horrible things about you without being infracted. Also, only Full Members should be allowed to use the rolling eyes emoticon. I will only pay the £5 when the above rules are in place (including 85x85 avatars). I also think that Wiltshire Saint's post is sarcastic and dismissive and I don't appreciate paying for that.
  21. Full members should be allowed avatars that are up to and including 85x85. It goes against all of their civil liberties having a meagre 80x80 avatar. Sometimes I have to move closer to the screen to see them. This is probably giving me radiation/the big C. It is negligent to suggest otherwise. This place is an outrage.
  22. Sister Act II: Back in the Habit is the best film of all time, and I'll deck anyone who says otherwise.
  23. My opinions aren't worth £5.
  24. Is this a reference to Michael Jackson?
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