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Kadeem Hardison

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Everything posted by Kadeem Hardison

  1. I tried to organise a peaceful demonstration at SaintsWeb HQ. I admit I got a bit handy and then Boj, stevegrant and the mods then came out and kettled me in the TVS studios car park.
  2. Don't bring me into this. I hated Deppo. He was so unfunny that he made me suck coffee from my computer's keyboard.
  3. That looks like a saucy version of The Frost Report.
  4. I used to quite fancy Brown Fox who played for Fulchester United, but failing that:
  5. You tell that to my penis on the day I first got the internet. I mean you literally tell that to my penis. Go on, tell it.
  6. If I read your post above correctly, you are a parent. One has to raise one's eyebrows at the apparently manipulative and iniquitous attempt to disparage Thorpe's ability to do his work, based on a post on this forum. It's not the first time I have noticed nefarious behaviour from you either. I certainly don't think you should be bringing up children.
  7. Stewart Lee made a good point in his show 90's Comedian, in reaction to the furore and death threats he received for co-writing and directing Jerry Springer: The Opera: "Firstly[...] a symbol, be it an icon or a flag or whatever, is only worthy of respect as the values of the people that appropriate it. Secondly, that if a symbol goes out into the world, into places where it's perhaps not understood or wanted or valued, you shouldn't be too upset if it then takes on a shape you don't recognise as your own. And thirdly, that if you attempt to apply limits to freedom of expression, either through legislation or intimidation or threats, what will happen is that reasonable people, often against their own better judgement, willl feel obliged to test those limits..."
  8. You should be careful how you open a post if you haven't planned what you are going to say next. You don't seem to understand the difference between protesting against a regime or war (a specific act) and protesting against an entire religion, based on the fact that an incredibly tiny minority of members of that religion have undertaken a specific act. By all means protest against fundamentalists or the Taliban or al Qaeda, but not against Muslims. How is it? Last I looked, British people came from all kinds of races and ethnic backgrounds. 'British' is not a race.
  9. I'm glad that some level-headed people have appeared on this thread. It makes me feel safer that not everybody plays into the protesters' hands.
  10. Whilst I disagree with what they are doing, this comment is pretty ignorant. Plenty of those Muslims are at home. Again, I disagree with their protest, but this is complete b*llocks only believed by thick people and perpetuated by tabloids. They have exactly the same rights as you or I.
  11. What does that last bit mean? Do you mean you are appalled that nobody else was out there or pleased because people were obviously not outside doing stuff but had stopped to observe the silence? I observed my silence at my work desk. Was I supposed be doing it conspicuously so that everybody could see? I don't know the etiquette.
  12. F C U K is censored, I see.
  13. Jon 'Fat' Beast was also a Saints fan. Saw The Family Cat support Carter a couple of times and also on a co-headline tour with Cud at Soton Students Union. Shame that French Connection ripped of the **** branding from them. I've also got the released-for-a-day-then-deleted 7" of 'Jesus Christ' somewhere around here. What was the song they did with PJ Harvey?
  14. Indeed, Fred (the lead singer) was a big Saints fan. I have that single on 12" and CD, and it quite often gets an airing on my iPod as I walk to the stadium.
  15. Adam and Eve? Are you trying to sound like a Cockney wideboy but failing miserably? Are you from Portsmouth?
  16. Five Live are the British Press too.
  17. Robsk.
  18. I haven't worked since I inherited lots of money years ago. I am agoraphobic though, so I just stay indoors drinking tea and winding up my ginger housemate.
  19. I heard a rumour that Jillyanne has got haunted pubes. Is this true?
  20. I don't think we should take it to that level, norwaysaint. Hypochondriac has plenty to offer this place. Indeed, without the likes of him, plenty of Deppo's humour wouldn't work on the levels that it does.
  21. Forgive hypochondriac, AFOM. He finds it difficult to reconcile what his mind fixes itself upon to be true with what actually happens in the world. i.e., it is convenient for his mind to pigeonhole anything you or I do into the 'wind-up' category, because it cannot cope with it being anything different. It perhaps doesn't work on other levels - who knows? It isn't for me to say. But he certainly cannot work outside of his own fixed ideas on things, that's for sure. For example, he says he never reported any Deppo posts, yet during the week leading up to the beginning of September there were 15 reported posts in total on SWF. hypochondriac made 5 of those reports - all for Deppo's posts. Interestingly, he denies this and will continue to deny this, I'd imagine. Although let's not write off the fella yet. Perhaps his mind does have capabilities outside of its own comfortable levels. The powers of the mind can astound us sometimes.
  22. Breakdance 2: Electric Boogaloo Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit Fletch Lives
  23. Baj, I can't PM you back but I don't think you should be offering me main board status just because you want something from me. I am prepared to do you a favour because I am altruistic, not because I want main board status back. I have been roundly ignored since February despite various pleas for communication yet, seconds after I can offer something, I am listened to. I am not one of your racist hoolie buddies like Stu who get banned and then get restated days later just because they are your mates.
  24. I live in Heysham (just outside Morecambe and about 40 miles north of Blackpool).
  25. Dear Mods/Admin, Thank you very much for returning the right of thread-starting to registered users. I think it is a good idea and in the right spirit of the messageboard to allow this. It now seems fair to me that registered users get three posts and paid-up members get unlimited. The messageboard has been following a 'new era' policy which I admire and will do a lot to repair some of the damage of past mistakes made by the mods and admin of this previously excellent site and service. However, there is still one thing that I think is unfortunate. My account has been prohibited from both viewing and posting on the main board for coming on a year now. I used to have a lot of infractions but I behaved for a long time and now I have none. I do not see it written anywhere in your rules that people will get banned from even viewing the main board due to any such offence. I still think it is not right that I am banned from the main board, even if I was a fool in the past. I have been on these messageboards for over ten years now. This is the greatest injustice I have suffered, and no Mod or Admin has ever explain or even conversed with me about this main-board bannign decision, never even explaining why it happened in the first place or when it would expire, if ever. I would like some sense of why this has happened, if it will ever expire, and/or what I need to do to end this unjust main-board injunction. Regards, Kadeem Hardison
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