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Kadeem Hardison

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Everything posted by Kadeem Hardison

  1. I've seen Roger Black's c*ck and Daley Thompson's arse.
  2. Can I come back on the main board now, please?
  3. Order the Code Red.
  4. Can I come back onto the main board now, please?
  5. I'd be quite annoyed if that was happening whilst I was trying to drink my Bovril.
  6. Some of my favourites over the years, all classic posters: Grandma Saint francis banana kevsaint (I always confused him with saintkev but they were different people) Sexy_Girl_Saint titso Arfur_the_Scarfer_in_Darfur abroad saint fanny benali LorryMac's Enemy gayDavid Barrie Horny Shipperley's belly steven the c*nt bobmortified pakistan saint FlangesBenali wotsit fingers Putadonkonit Franny Bin Laden stinky funny bin alley
  7. That guy has been reading dune's posts.
  8. I've been to Texas a few times this year. I think it's called Homebase now though.
  9. If Pop is the theme, go dressed like this:
  10. 21st April? Town is closed that night for refurbishment.
  11. It's a shame that none of it was funny. Although I raised a smile at Rio Ferdinand. And he's not even a comedian.
  12. We're all the same inside, Atti****. Except dune. He's made entirely out of hatred.
  13. Out of interest, how do I do that? I can't PM. I've started a thread on steve's own website (here) asking why and he doesn't seem to want to reply. I imagine he is aware of it though, as its been here ages.
  14. I use this: http://lendle.me/
  15. Leave it alone, Finch. Baj has already explained before that it is out of his control.
  16. It's a wonderful thing that we have good people like hypochondriac around to police the internet. Imagine the chaos it would be without him? Well done, hypochondriac. I salute you. We all salute you.
  17. Deppo really got to you, didn't he? I haven't been around much - what did he do to you to make you feel this strongly about him?
  18. Thank you for giving your life so that I can see the main board, Deppo. Oh, wait - I can't see the main board. He died in vain.
  19. What a funny person this hypochondriac fellow is, posting his pleasure at someone's absence. In my experience, actions like come down to low self-esteem. Sorry to see Deppo gone. I quite liked him.
  20. Sister Act II: Back in the Habit?
  21. Exactly. Other countries are cruel, so as long as we are slightly less cruel, we can still be cruel. Some people just don't get it, do they mate?
  22. I agree! I'll charter a ship tonight. Tomorrow we sail to West Africa to kidnap some natives to sell to some agricultural landowners in the Caribbean! Who's in? And I can't believe that they killed off conkers by making kids wear health and safety goggles! It makes me mad! Mad, I tell you! Nowadays they just play on their Nintendo DS just so that they don't have to wear the safety goggles. If it weren't for the goggles, they'd be all over the conkers. And those bloody nativities being banned. I mean, we don't know if it is true as it comes from the tabloids, but that's no reason not to mention it in our argument, is it? Ooh, my blood is boiling. I need to go out and drown some foxhound puppies to calm myself down. And before all you leftie, PC, leftie, speed camera-hugging, leftie, Muslim, paedo lefties start complaining, it's the only humane way of controlling them.
  23. This is more my area of expertise. I consider myself a bit of an expert on classical music. My favourites are Bond, Nigel Kennedy, G4 and Enya.
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