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Kadeem Hardison

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Everything posted by Kadeem Hardison

  1. You can't freeze a moment in time and say 'thats the Southampton I know' then jettison any other representation of the club. Football is a competition and, as such, teams will win and lose. Clubs are fluid and will go through good times and bad. We had 27 years of good times in the top flight, have the cojones to put up with 5 bad years. Seriously, we have a bunch of big girls for fans. Get over it.
  2. I think he meant irony in the Alanis Morrissette sense. As in none.
  3. Why hasn't Tommy Widdrington been mentioned on this thread yet? Sometimes I think our fans are so blind to the obvious.
  4. You may have life experience, my dear, but you also look like a French man.
  5. Is Nick on a wind-up? Well spotted, CB - I guess that was a bit of 'whoosh' on me. :oops: Nick, kindly stop trolling this thread unless you have something serious to add to the debate.
  6. You make some valid points here Nick. He played here for 6 years of his 19 year career - nearly 30% of his career! He only played for Grimsby and Port Vale for 3 years each. Unless you are suggesting that he should manage both teams at the same time, in which case I don't think that is allowed (although I am willing to be put right on that one as I am not 100% on it.) Good call, although I would think Rudi would want to continue his playing career for a bit before he goes into management. He is worth a shot as player-manager though. But TW would be my first choice. I agree! I think he could be a good manager at a higher level too, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have a go at managing in the Championship/League 1 first. We should snap him up before the likes of Middlesboro do (he's a Wallsend boy so them and Newcastle might sniff around him). Another good shout, but, although he did a good job at Dundee United, we need someone with a bit of passion at the club - a proper footballing man. Didn't he used to take the players out to the meadows to smell the flowers as a motivational technique?
  7. I won a sh*tload with an accumulator on Massive Bereavement and Onion Terror last year.
  8. Bit harsh. Baj is an excellent contributor to this forum as well as being a well-respected member of the ghostbusting community. He doesn't get paid to run this forum, you know.
  9. "He's more interested in keeping that nice protuberant fence post up his backside than coming forward and fighting for anything..." said the man sat behind his keyboard in another country.
  10. Very articulate, Nick. Shame it adds nothing to the thread.
  11. It is the same all the time on this board - if people don't agree with someone's views then they try to neatly compartmentalise that person and label them as something with a pejorative tone - Lowe Luvvie, Lunatic Fringe, WUM, etc. Trying to undermine the overhwhelming groundswell of support for Widdrington is poor form. The fact is that it is the majority of people on this thread have shown their support for Widdrington and BACKED THIS UP with GOOD REASON that, IMO, is irrefutable. If you don't like the fact that Widdrington is the popular and CORRECT choice, then give a valid reason why. I'm yet to see one.
  12. How can you give MOTM to somebody who gives the ball away so much? Incredible.
  13. He was terrible. His passing was woeful.
  14. However, there is science and logic and PROOF behind it so it is explainable, even to someone 200 years ago. You appear to be using 'ignorance' to justify a belief in ghosts. How peculiar.
  15. Shut up you utter, utter ignorant c*nt.
  16. So basically you are suggesting that if you are uneducated it is ok to believe in ghosts. Sounds like a reasonable summation to me.
  17. If the vocal minority had paid attention to the growing groundswell of backing we had developed on here for Widdrington, we would have been able to use our voices (protests, chants, etc) to let the board now how we felt and could have had TW here after Burley. If Widdrington was installed after Burley left, we wouldn't be in this position now. Fact. We would probably have one eye on the Premiership by now, had Tommy been allowed to develop his team last season and this. THAT is what having a manager with passion for his club does.
  18. How many Michelin stars does the Berni Inn have? I've been there. Twice.
  19. I believe in goats.
  20. Dead inside.
  21. If that is really ghost, why hasn't anybody been slimed? As a trained ghostbuster, I am used to seeing these sorts of things and in 90% of proved cases of paranormal activity somebody gets slimed. I'm sure Baj can corroborate these figures. We take our roles very seriously and always look for a scientific explanation before we look to suggest anything paranormal. I have investigated nearly 1000 cases and I'd say that perhaps 25 of them have resulted in a conclusion of paranormal activity. These cases are usually fairly obvious from the start, e.g. floating librarians throwing books from shelves, rivers of pink slime underneath the city, giant marshmallow men, etc.
  22. I'm a fully qualified ghostbuster and agree with Baj that it is clearly a moth. We come across these sorts of things all the time in the ghostbusting community. That sort of image can be easily dismissed with an ecto-filter on the camera. I'm sure Baj will agree that this really isn't worth wasting a proton pack on.
  23. Looks like a leaf/feather floating down in front of the camera to me. Note how its path is also that of gravity.
  24. An overdose of heroin is fatal - in the short term. But there has been no research whatsoever into long term effects.
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