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Kadeem Hardison

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Everything posted by Kadeem Hardison

  1. Try starting another thread. This time title it 'FAO: Pancake'.
  2. Perhaps he has an opinion on you. Simpleton.
  3. I'll definitely play. Perhaps I could go round with St Will? Should be fun - can't wait!
  4. I'll dust off my rainbow flag.
  5. Steve, can you set it up so that we can predict when the first throw-in will be in each game? I should be able to rack up a few points then...
  6. That was a genuine offer of help. There is no need to be so negative.
  7. Have you given up trying to make it as a professional? Drop me a PM and I will give you some free advice if you want? You might be surprised, but I think I have what it takes to get you to the next level.
  8. I might phone the club and see if they need someone with a sports psychology background that can talk to the players and try and turn around their attitude. I'd do it for free and my love of the club.
  9. I'm guessing that the natural pecking order prevents us getting in some players. Now that the teams in the top flights have the window closed and know what they are working with they will be more likely to offer out loans. I'm guessing Pardew would rather have someone from a top team come here on loan for the season than spend money on second best (face facts - we are in League 1, this is the kind of calibre we are likely to get).
  10. Maybe he was drunk when he signed. We've all done silly things like that.
  11. I bet your boyfriend's **** is red raw too.
  12. Characterisation was probably a bit too close to home.
  13. It's good to see you took my advice and read some Mike Brearley/Sun Tzu. I'm impressed that you went out and got them so quickly, but well done nonetheless. It would have been noce to have had some acknowledgement and perhaps an apology though.
  14. I got 17 GCSEs and I played in the Champion's League for Derry City. And I average 98% in my University modules. And I have spots on my willy.
  15. No you weren't. He's not "quality for us" at all. I think he plays for someone else in red and white stripes so that may be where you're mistaken.
  16. I played against Aston Villa and average 95% in my degree, and I think Gillett is brilliant.
  17. Block 35? Sorry, I thought you said Block 25.
  18. This just sounds like an excuse to take high definition photos of my son. You are sick, sick people.
  19. I am from the baby boomer era and I have seen plenty of deluded, self-important fartpumps like you come and go on the golfing scene, St Will. I find it amazing that you can give such terrible golfing advice then accuse someone elso of having outdated and no longer accurate opinions. You should keep up with the changes in golf if you really want to make some money out of it (I should know, I have made loads of money out of competitions and now coaching - I am very sought after for my modern and ultimately very successful methods). Are you going to the game tonight, Will? If so, I would love you to introduce yourself to me (I won't bring my son).
  20. 19-21? Really? Is that your excuse? He is 15 and you know it. Also, you have the temerity to say that I sound ridiculous after giving out advice like that? Good lord.
  21. Well, there you go then. You are obviously not famous, otherwise I would have spotted you if you were sat as close as you say you were. I am surprised you didn't recognise me, but then the moustache is a new addition. You can't tell me anything about golf when the best you do is mini golf. As for looking at my son, are you saying that it is ok for you to ogle him because other people were? I feel rather sick now. People like you are wrong in the head and should be locked up. Incidentally, the things I was shouting contained very motivating techniques. I have read many psychology books on coaching and have modified my language to use such tecniques - so much so that such language often comes naturally to me when I am watching football. Try reading Mike Brearley's The Art of Captaincy or Sun Tzu's The Art of War and you will notice the subtle language that I was using. At least educate yourself before you criticise.
  22. You'd have a long wait to get a golf lesson from me, I'm afraid. I am fully booked up for a very long time. Don't be so ludicrous, of course I don't do that. And St Will, perhaps you should introduce yourself to me next game? If you really are a pro (which I doubt) then I will recognise you as I know pretty much everyone on the circuit. Please don't mention my son again, St Will. It is pretty unsettling to think that someone I don't know was watching him for 90 mins.
  23. That sounds like you are talking about me. My instructions weren't negative. I come from a sports coaching background (golf) and know exactly how to get the best out of sports people, thank you very much.
  24. They brought loads yesterday and were louder than Saints for pretty much the whole game.
  25. My mate has an honours degree, an MSc and is doing a PhD and he's thick as pigsh*t.
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