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Kadeem Hardison

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Everything posted by Kadeem Hardison

  1. I had a very similar thing happen to me so can understand your pain Jill. My and wife are today happily married, but it nearly didn't happen. We were young and in love. It was the 1980's. Great days. We had decided that the wedding would be close family and friends and the first dance would be to Marvin Gaye's "Sexual Healing". It was going to be a sexy dance with a lot of rubbing up against each other. we chose it because we were (are) both big Marvin Gaye fans. Our wedding day - April 2nd 1984. I'm sure you are all aware what happened the day before the wedding. That's right, Marvin was shot dead by his dad on his birthday. That's how the world remembers Marvin Gaye. Shot dead by his dad on his birthday. Well I remember it differently. I remember Marvin Gaye being shot dead by his dad on his birthday the day before my wedding. And I can tell you this, it very nearly never went ahead. And I still today curse that man for shooting his son the day before my wedding. Some people just don't think. So, Jill, I am with you and Mrs Hardison is with you. Marvin isn't with you, his dad shot him.
  2. +1 I must say that I am surprised by the mindless stupidity of some of the posters on this forum. This is a genuine poll, which has a purpose and a prize and the usual crowd on here are willing to ruin all that for cheap laughs. Today I feel ahamed to be a Saints fan.
  3. Perhaps they get a cut of the car boot sale money? It seemed to be doing good business last Sunday held in the ground's car park.
  4. saint boggy after some Kadeem lovin'
  5. I would love it of we got Crouch on lone! i no he is benchwarming for the spurs but somehow i cant see him droping 2 divisions. man i hope this rumour is true but i somehwo doubt it.
  6. Hello son, what do you want for christmas?
  7. Back to this argument again then? we should definitely not be playing with a loan striker up front. Evry time Lambert has playd as the loan striker we have struggeld to score and in fact have conceeded. Attack is the best form of defence. Id even suggest 3 up front, but would settle for 2. Anything but a loan striker. I hope pardew is reading this as Im prety sure we are all agreed about it.
  8. No he didn't.
  9. I can currently see an advert on here that says "Local women in your area want to f*ck tonight!" and it has a picture of some young lady with her chuff out to accompany it. Lucky my son isn't in the room! Mods, can you change it so I don't have to see things like this?
  10. He did. I got a lovely email from him explaining everything. It was very well written and I thought it was nice of him to take the time to write to me about something as unimportant as this issue.
  11. I know! I've never seen a team exaggerate their own ambitions whilst denegrating the opposition's chances of success at a football match before! It was mental! They got it way off the mark too - don't they know that we are "by far the greatest team the world has ever seen"?
  12. Yes he does. That's why he doesn't want any women on the sub narrowing his chances.
  13. Why not take in your usual holiday sights, Stu? McDonald's, KFC, Burger King...
  14. "Bloody good team talk", my ar5e. Strauss seemed as bemused as the rest of us as to where that performance came from.
  15. Forgive WSS. He's a bit of a thickie.
  16. Was it just me or was there a massive dark cloud over Southampton for most of August? Like in that episode of The Flumps.
  17. Sounds like it could be Mike Patterquake and Steve Newshues, who were both on the backroom staff in the 70s.
  18. I also heard the following good things about Nicola Cortese: There is no 'ctrl' button on Nicola Cortese's keyboard. Nicola Cortese is always in control. Nicola Cortese can sneeze with his eyes open. Nicola Cortese can kill two stones with one bird.
  19. Perhaps if you didn't choose to cite a nation with a staggeringly high number of racist attacks, I might choose to believe you. It might be more pertinent to pick a country that didn't spawn and house half the world's neo-Nazis to hold up as an exemplar of how to react to a protest. Oh, and I thought that democracy had allowed the Westboro Baptist Church to protest against US soldiers, not just at parades but also at funerals? Oh wait, they're white American nationals aren't they? Perhaps you didn't intend your post to be racist but, by foregrounding Muslims and placing 'radicals' in parentheses, it was.
  20. I pointed out a racist post just then. It was subtle but it was definitely racist.
  21. Shirley has the highest concentration of Southampton EDL members.
  22. The fact that you write 'the radicals' in brackets tells me everything I need to know about your agenda.
  23. I went to the meeting and the mixed race 'members' were serving the drinks. The canapés looked nice though.
  24. The Firm isn't The Firm without Mickey Pearce, Jim McDonald, Phil Mitchell, Benny Green out of Grange Hill, Lee out of Desmond's and that fella who used to host Standing Room Only on Def II.
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