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Everything posted by iamasaint

  1. No one will ever beat Kevin Keegan to the title of Best Player We Have Ever Signed. European footballer of the year when we signed him. [emoji6]
  2. So so sorry. I am using my iPhone to post this and have no idea how to edit the title! Can someone help?! [emoji28]
  3. Sorry! Rudi Garcia!
  4. Sounds great to me! [emoji2]
  5. [emoji849][emoji849][emoji849]
  6. Thanks! I just checked too and it's sold out. [emoji37]
  7. Sorry. Couldn't find a thread anywhere. I am visiting from Singapore and have been a life long fan. Would anyone have one ticket to spare for this Sunday's game? Please message me. Thank u so much!
  8. Hello! I am visiting from Singapore and have been a life long saints supporter. I actually visit on an annual basis. Does anyone knows if tickets are still available at the counter?
  9. ??? woohoo!
  10. He's good at smelling our players. Brilliant. ?
  11. I have to agree. I used to think lesser of him too but he seems to fit into our style of play really well. Every team needs a player like him to just "get the work done". On a sidenote, I also used to think that every team needed a 34/35 years old player to guide and hold the team together through his experience. We haven't had a figure like that for years.
  12. I'm agreeing with u. If I may add, I thought the players look a lot more comfortable when Gaston, Davies and JRod came on. Goes to show we need time to play Osvaldo into the system. We were not as fluid as we could be.
  13. They should just stop clowning around and get serious!!
  14. Last season we would have lost this. We need a player like coutinho. He would have been the player to run at defences. We don't have anyone like that now. That said, once Osvaldo gets settled into our style of play, we can only get better especially finishing off moves.
  15. One more thing. The half time stats for possession was insane! It was 67-33 to the saints! Since when have we had so much possession away from home?!
  16. I thought Chambers did really well today! He is to us what Luke Shaw was to us last year! It is a great time for us Saints fans!! COYR!!
  17. I am in the way back from the Hawthorns and I actually think we really do need someone like Osvaldo. We could have buried the game with him in the team. Don't get me wrong, Rickie and Jay were great for us today but Osvaldo would allow us real quality upfront and a sensible chance of choosing any two from the three. Mayuka hasn't looked any bit impressive. I really do hope we sign Osavldo.
  18. Hahah. I shall try. I don't have any print facilities. Will try tomorrow.
  19. Hi guys, I am fr Singapore and have been visiting Southampton every year for the past 7 years. I am actually in town this weekend and if anyone cannot make it to the game and would like to sell their ticket, I would gladly take it. I actually specifically came to Southampton to catch a game but took a risk as i bought my tickets and hotel rooms before the fixtures were announced. unfortunately, the first game is away! ha. That said, I wouldn't even mind paying extra for the ticket. Please email kelvinkoh28@gmail.com if u have a ticket to spare. Thanks!! Kelvin
  20. I might be. Coming from Singapore. Any idea how tickets sales are doing for west brom home?
  21. Hi guys, I am visiting from Singapore and I am looking for a ticket too. Please email me at kelvinkoh28@gmail.com if you have one to spare. Thanks!
  22. When I was a young boy supporting saints, I thought Northampton was our derby rivals!! Hahaha. Made sense to a 10 year old from Singapore.
  23. Hooray!! From sunny Singapore! Btw, you guys are brilliant. News travel faster here than newsnow.
  24. Thanks Phil!!
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