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  1. No one will ever beat Kevin Keegan to the title of Best Player We Have Ever Signed. European footballer of the year when we signed him. [emoji6]
  2. So so sorry. I am using my iPhone to post this and have no idea how to edit the title! Can someone help?! [emoji28]
  3. Sorry! Rudi Garcia!
  4. Sounds great to me! [emoji2]
  5. [emoji849][emoji849][emoji849]
  6. Thanks! I just checked too and it's sold out. [emoji37]
  7. Sorry. Couldn't find a thread anywhere. I am visiting from Singapore and have been a life long fan. Would anyone have one ticket to spare for this Sunday's game? Please message me. Thank u so much!
  8. Hello! I am visiting from Singapore and have been a life long saints supporter. I actually visit on an annual basis. Does anyone knows if tickets are still available at the counter?
  9. ??? woohoo!
  10. He's good at smelling our players. Brilliant. ?
  11. I have to agree. I used to think lesser of him too but he seems to fit into our style of play really well. Every team needs a player like him to just "get the work done". On a sidenote, I also used to think that every team needed a 34/35 years old player to guide and hold the team together through his experience. We haven't had a figure like that for years.
  12. I'm agreeing with u. If I may add, I thought the players look a lot more comfortable when Gaston, Davies and JRod came on. Goes to show we need time to play Osvaldo into the system. We were not as fluid as we could be.
  13. They should just stop clowning around and get serious!!
  14. Last season we would have lost this. We need a player like coutinho. He would have been the player to run at defences. We don't have anyone like that now. That said, once Osvaldo gets settled into our style of play, we can only get better especially finishing off moves.
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