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Fitzhugh Fella

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Everything posted by Fitzhugh Fella

  1. Not a bad idea
  2. True but this one is the best for inside stuff, and by far the most wide read. There are genuinely some very decent informative posters on here which I enjoy.
  3. Oh Gawd yes I do and I admonish myself for it afterwards but by and large I don't start it and at least I don't hide behind the cloak of anonymity.
  4. There you go again accusing everyone who does not agree with the great CB Fry as being hysterical. Would you not agree to have been more prepared in out targets following on from Austin's injury may have been a more judicious way of running a club and might have meant we had an extra striker for yesterday and the Liverpool games? Is that according to you a hysterical view?
  5. I agree January is far from ideal to be looking for players, but shouldn't we have accounted for that last summer?
  6. This should smoke a few out. I maintain this forum is turning into a battle between the negative, moaners (bed wetters, wrist slitters) and the positive, rosy glasses wearers (happy clappies, head in the sand ostrichs). When Saints lose the bed wetters come out in force for an hour and then usually a robust fight back from the happy clappers starts and the bed wetters are forced back to bed. I guess I belong to the first bunch but despite what the clappers allege no one from either side is any more or less of a fan, we just express ourselves differently. But what has become noticeable recently is the vitriol, which I have to say is mainly one way and that's aimed at the bed wetters. Some of the uber fans seem to think criticism of the club is a personal affront to their manhood and all sorts of unpleasant names are hurled about in a macho style. Instructions to "get off the forum if you can't say anything good at the club" is a regular cry. The chest thumping is almost primaeval. Just after the game yesterday I tweeted that I believed the club to be poorly managed on and off the pitch since the summer (I stand by this view) when I got a really nasty tweet from someone I didn't know calling me all the names under the sun. it's hard to argue sanely with a guy who calls you a knob**** in very tweet. Later in the evening I recognised this guy as one who posts regularly on here. I have always respected his opinions, he posts some interesting stuff so I was surprised that he had resorted to such blind hatred just because I stated publicly on my twitter about mismanagement. To be hones tit was a bit of a worrying realisation. I suppose it's the social media world we live in, but it is becoming really unpleasant on here these days, with so many just coming on to play the posters and not give an opinion of their own. I don't actually mind the name calling etc etc but what is unpleasant is the snide belittling comments by a few posters who do all they can do try and humiliate contributors who dare to have an alternative view. There is just no need. Everyone is entitled to their views but there again everyone is entitled to respect. I think the trouble is anonymity. A lot of the abuse would not be dished out if the disher's name was known to all. So many people hide behind that cloak, a lot of them cowardly people. I don't suppose Steve would ever making this forum non anonymous but it wouldn't half make things a little more convivial. In the meantime watch to see which side throws the most personal insults and then wonder why it is mainly one way. It will also be interesting to see what follows these words. Regards to all Duncan
  7. But why wait until the last week? Had preparations been made when it was obvious Austin's injury was serious 6 weeks ago then we could well have had some in place by now who could have scored yesterday and given us options v Liverpool. Serious question. (Sit back and wait for snide belittling comment or a reasoned debate?)
  8. Hello Stafford Dave
  9. So anyone who dares to criticise is a troll? Jeez this forum is becoming a Nazi state
  10. Cb Fry can't help using belittling insults in his arguments- he thinks it helps him win his point when in fact it just means he realises his views are weak without resorting to snideness
  11. Ah here we go CB Fry resorts to insults. Is there a need for the word hysterical? You love to belittle don't you.
  12. Pamplemousse is a robot
  13. I understand what you are saying but sometimes the boos are directed at the general way the club is being run and that was probably the case today.
  14. His timer has kicked in again. Yes we know you think everything is rosey, you don't have to keep telling us every 20 minutes. Calm down, go out and have a pint. Don't worry the revolution is a long way off.
  15. It's not all his fault but he needs to grow a pair and kick Reeds door in on Monday
  16. He says he is not spending time on thinking about new signings but is concentrating instead on upcoming fixtures. Or words to that effect.
  17. To be fair Pamplemousse is just the same, it's just he bats for the other side.
  18. Which begs the question why haven't the club addressed the situation you mention in your last sentence? That's probably why the fans are booing.
  19. I honestly don't think we have been well-managed this season either on or off the pitch. I am also worried no money will be spent while takeover talks are ongoing. If we spent 30m on a forward and central defender, which we desperately need, the prospective owners might have view.
  20. You on a self timer? We know you have an agenda but is there a need to keep repeating yourself?
  21. Best news of the week, hurry up and eff off
  22. So just to clarify one must never predict Saints losing and if you do, you are not a good fan?
  23. Alfie Jones? One of the U21s?
  24. Jesus do you hang on my every word? Just play the ball mate not the man it's much more fun. I stand by what I said. Getting in Europe was a pinnacle achievement and at the time I couldn't care less about the League Cup - that comes around every year. Then it was Europe or bust for me. Get over your petty point scoring, we all have different ways of supporting our club and different ways of working out how might be best to actually win things. Mine are different from yours. I probably am not right but to continually nit pick over a word here or a word there with the benefit of hindsight is tiresome. Award yourself a brownie point for your trawling and well done for pointing out I am in a hole.
  25. Yep couldn't agree more
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