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Fitzhugh Fella

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Everything posted by Fitzhugh Fella

  1. Too much reliance on luck there for my liking, Ron. That post was valid in the summer but it is looking a little forlorn considering where we are in the table.
  2. Don't forget KK was at the time the current European Footballer of the Year. His signing was Big Mac's biggest coup and announced our arrival among the elite. Every time I drive past the Potters Heron at Ampfield (where KK was revealed to a stunned media) I think there should be one of those blue plaques on a wall.
  3. Thanks for the vote of confidence Hypo but one thing I learnt from SoS was that it is an impossible task to front up anything like that mainly because it is impossible to truly "politically" unite Saints fans en masse. As a historian I have read of the previous various supporters clubs, trusts, organisations etc over the years and it all usually ends in tears with the Trust and SoS being recent examples of initiatives that attracted scepticism or derision. There was one Saints supporters club (based in the house in Archers Rd who fell out with the club in the 50s and the 2 parties never spoke for decades). Sure we are all fans and want success but as this forum proves there is a great deal that divides us still. However I am now convinced that one way forward for us as a club is to aim for de-listing from the stock exchange (dare I say it in a similar proposal put up by Richard Chorley some months ago) but that is not easy. I know a well-respected local business man (who posts on here) who has started organising such a move but it is a long road. In the meantime we may yet be saddled with Rupert Lowe for a while yet and unfortunately, because I think it will lead to relegation, he will be loath to give up the total football experiment. Judging by what I saw at the AGM on Monday our PLC Chairman has unfurled his sails, plotted his course and battened down the hatches. Into the storm we sail. (Sorry I am a sucker for a nautical reference).
  4. I think the AGM finally revealed that no matter how much business acumen Rupert Lowe possesses his deficiencies make it almost inconceivable he is able to fulfil the task of halting our slide or even turning our fortunes around. His dreadful PR, his delusional arrogant personality and his inflated belief in his football management abilities will forever preclude him from being a Chairman of a football club, in my opinion. But most on this Forum have probably come to that conclusion by now and the more pressing question is, will he go and if so who is he to be replaced with? I think sooner or later Cowen will have to step up (Tory Party style) and tap him on the shoulder and say enough. Cowen himself has had enough and for that reason it would probably be best if they both go – but who will step up to the plate? I spoke to Leon Crouch recently about whether he wanted to come back as Chairman and the answer was in the negative. I think he wants to clear his name of blame following some pretty unfair accusations from the present leadership and I think as an opponent of the duo (and as a fan) he just wants to see their departure. Perhaps he could come in for a while as a temporary Chairman to steady the ship until a new and fresh Board could be found. Although he didn’t exactly cover himself with glory during the 6 months in charge – Pearson excepted perhaps, there are a few advantages of Crouch returning, albeit on a caretaker basis. He has an excellent relationship with the club’s bankers (forged I believe by his private business using the same branch). He has a little experience already and other senior or influential shareholders/fans such as Mary Corbett, Pat Trant, Anthony Salz and Lawrie McMenemy would back him. Whether or not Anthony Salz and others would resurrect their interest in forming a Board if Lowe went I am not sure but I spoke to him 9 months ago and he was certainly interested then – he still goes to the games but since Lowe’s return has not been seen anywhere in SMS other than his seat in the Kingsland. Other than Salz I know of no other alternatives. However, even with a new Board and a more united fan base (bigger crowds hopefully) this club will still be in financial peril and desperate for investment. Unbelievably, only last week, Fulthorpe was claiming that the money is in place, diligence could be completed in time for new manager Alan Shearer to have a couple of weeks in the transfer market come January. Incredible I know. I have met Mr Fulthorpe and he seemed a nice bloke and one who looked in control of his marbles but, you have to say he is either completely stark raving barking mad or there must be some truth in his scarcely credible claims. I fear that if this deal founders (as likely it must) then we face a protracted period of player selling, more cutbacks and ultimately more misery. I think I can accept all that provided we have a Board I can trust and a young manager (not the increasingly erratic JP) committed to the cause who is given time to build us up again without the politics and personalities getting in the way. The overdraft must be tackled first before we can become masters of our destiny but even before that Mr Lowe must be persuaded that like most things in life returning to an old job or an old relationship often ends in tears. Happy New Year to all Saints fans wherever you may be.
  5. Thanks for the sentiments, Hypo. Yesterday was indeed very interesting for lots of different reasons - but perhaps I will wait until Steve Grants (pun intended) me full posting rights when he gets my fiver. I would love a crystal ball to see where we are going to be in 12 months.
  6. Christmas - A good time to end a self imposed exile. So, I would like to wish everyone on this forum (whatever your views on Rupert) a joyful Christmas and a healthy, peaceful New Year. As a club we have had a rocky 12 months and I feel the next might be equally tempestuous but heyho that is Saints it seems. How I sometimes yearn for the heady days of yesteryear. My thanks to all the mods too - keeping the peace amid the turmoil that is this forum is never easy. Cheers Duncan
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