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Fitzhugh Fella

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Everything posted by Fitzhugh Fella

  1. very soon I was told last night
  2. Constructive dismissal then?
  3. yep has it ever happend at home?
  4. Last night was the first time --- --- --- for the Saints in an away match. Fill in the missing 3 words.
  5. Then why, 2 days before, tell the Echo he was going to redouble his efforts for the remainder of the season?
  6. If JP announced he had not resigned but had been pushed (as I think the majority suspect) could not the club be in hot water for releasing a falsehood to the stock market? Just a thought.
  7. I am inclined to agree Richard. The only thing I will say was Crouch had less time and he had to deal with the Execs but when all said and done the sooner someone new comes in the better but... is that likely?
  8. I think someone is actively working on something similar.
  9. Rather than snipe or split hairs from the sidelines Ron, perhaps you could provide evidence that Lowe DID contribute to the ex-directors box. Posts like the one you just made do not convince me of your impartiality.
  10. I don't know whether to weep or cry.
  11. How about going on holiday twice in the same month that the transfer window is open and he has sacked a manager
  12. Nick you really should think before posting sometimes - I know you do not intentionally offend but some fact finding would stand you in good stead. Around this time John Corbett (servant and saviour on many times of the club since 1936) was an ill old man who was taken advantage of by Askham and Co, who "allegedly" tried to swindle him out of his shares. He certainly was not up to voicing his concerns.
  13. Petrified of Lowe and his team of lawyers I'm afraid.
  14. Its snowing in the Alps so someone has had a good day
  15. Mark - you may have missed a reply I posted a week or two back when I apologised to you for getting it wrong re Wilde. I admitted I had been far too quick to welcome Wilde (and I am sure Mary would too have some regrets as hindsight is a wonderful thing) but you have to remember who created the climate that, at the time made us feel like drowning men clutching at straws. When you're fighting to keep your head above water a drowning man does not check the seaworthiness of the lifeboat. I am pretty sure Mary no longer has aspirations to once again serve as a director of SFC so we need not judge her competence on that score. What she has proved today is unlike some who continue to slither and hide behind the nearest stone (Askham and Wilde) she is at least prepared to put her head above the parapet. She does this because she is a fan who is concerned at the directiion the club is going. If you met her you would soon see that. She did not ask to inherit her father's shares and I have never heard her claim to have any rights because of it. If you and I had inherited a similar windfall you and I would have been as keen as her to have had the chance to get involved and I daresay we would have made mistakes - but they would have been genuinely made.
  16. well Nick I was told by the horse's mouth so to speak and short of calling Mary a liar - which I am sure you wouldn't do - I think we had better take her version of events.
  17. No this mutual friend has a holiday home near the French south coast but Mary did not go there. They had the conversation at a wedding they both intended. Mary is pretty upset by this misapprehension. It is awkward for her too because she does not want to compromise her friend. I hope this clears things up.
  18. I have spoken personally to Mary re the whole Paul Allen scenario. In a nutshell Tom McLaughlin ™ approached the club and said PA was interested in investing in Southampton and was acting on his behalf. Checks were made and it was established that TM had in the past acted for PA (aircraft leasing) and therefore he was considered to be legit. Before long the execs went cold on the idea once they found out there was nothing in it for them. That meant TM was shunned - even to the point the execs refused him hospitality and he and another had to pay to enter SMS through the turnstiles. Mary, Leon and Co still believed TM could deliver but were frustrated by the facts the execs wanted to scupper the deal. As time went on suspicions grew that TM was not exactly kosher but contrary to reports Mary did not get on any aircraft or make any approaches to PA. She did have a friend however who knew PA slightly and she asked this friend to keep his ear out to see if PA's interest was genuine. Leon and Pat Trant called a meeting with TM who assured them he was still intent on delivering PA. Leon and Pat then paid him a sum of money by way of commission from their own accounts, but within a fortnight TM had reneged on promises and they lost their money. In the end things got nasty with TM which a lot on here can understand. The only thing you could possible level at Leon, Mary and Co is they were sucked in but there again so were most of the fans.
  19. If you are going to slag Mary off Mark - at least get your facts correct. Indeed Mary did approach Wilde with her concerns over Dulieu and Hone shortly after she had proxied her shares to him but Wilde dismissed her concerns with "I have every faith in them". How do I know this? She told me and I don't have her down as the sort to lie to save her bacon. Unlike the puppet who now props up the man who in your eyes can do no wrong. If you are going to get into the heat of the kitchen Mark check your facts first - if you can.
  20. Someone - FC - probably ,said they compared Wilde and Crouch similarly. Let me point out one small difference. Over the last 3 years Crouch has spent around a million pounds on various aspects of Southampton FC ie sponsorship, boxes, statue etc etc (that is not his figure but one given to me by another ex-director). Michael Wilde has not put one penny in over that same period - in fact the exact opposite. So you can see there is a small difference in the two men's rhetoric - one puts his hand in his pocket the other doesn't. Doesn't make Crouch the bees knees but it does give an indication of what each man thinks about this club.
  21. So - have the Echo got balls - over to you Adam/Simon?
  22. I think the word they used Rich was tantalisingly
  23. How about....... we have held talks with a potential Hungarian investor last week? I've been told it and I believe it. Of course those talks may not lead anywhere but at least it gives us something to cling to in these dark days.
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