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Fitzhugh Fella

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Everything posted by Fitzhugh Fella

  1. Dubai Phil?
  2. A word from Fry would not go amiss either
  3. Q1 Does anyone know anything for a fact? Have you got a liklier explanation? Q2 TL's message implies fault lies away from Pinnacle. So Fry is the selling agent here - the middle man if you like, he has also publicly stated the "10 points appeal" should be successful. So what has he said to Pinnacle over the 10 points and has he lead them to think an appeal would be allowed? I don't know is the answer which is why I would like to hear his side of things. We are now out of the exclusivity period so as far as I know there are no reasons that prevent him clarifying what is increasingly becoming a confusing concern.
  4. Touche
  5. Thanks for your input Halo - you have kickstarted the old grey matter within me but my fingers remained crossed.
  6. THE FL are saying that for us to continue in the FL the new owners must sign a clause that pledges not to pursue an appeal over the 10 points. In other words ...blackmail. I am grateful for TL's message - perhaps Fry may like to make a statement now because it seems some fault may lie at his door?
  7. Unlikely Ron but I have it on good authority TRUE. Perhaps you should question a little more closely what THAT group are telling you?
  8. The answer to your question is "Rival Consortiums" and you only have to read today's Echo for further enlightenment Steve.
  9. Nick I am telling you now Jackson is just a fantasist - well-meaning maybe but just watch that interview again. His untimely intervention this weekend is potentially very harmful. There is no way he will ever deliver, he is all talk. He is a compulsive dabbler who forgets what he says or promises. Some of the stories I could tell about him would make your hair stand on end and I am really disturbed that with the Pinnacle offer now balanced on a knife edge this buffoon has re-entered the china shop.
  10. You are so very wrong - trust me Jackson is very bad news and is now getting in the way at a crucial time.
  11. Which is why Fry should at least clarify things as they now stand tonight.
  12. 8.40pm update - SSN have just reported that Fry is now opening things up to other bidders and also confirmed the FL want Pinnacle to sign a non-appeal committment. They also reported that everything was in place ie money etc.
  13. 8.40pm update - SSN have just re-iterated that Fry is now opening things up to other bidders and also confirm the FL want Pinnacle to sign a non-appeal committment.
  14. Thanks for that - it seems Sky are backing away from what Baz reported earlier.
  15. Steve understand completely what you are saying but aren't the days of "cosy don't rock the boat or you can't join our League" over? Or am I totally niaive?
  16. Absolutely Rob, good analysis. My take on this (if what is being reported on Sky is true) is that the FL have one trump card left over this whole legally dubious (but probably morally correct) deduction of 10 points issue. They are now playing it and hoping Pinnacle will blink and sign a "non appeal" letter which gets the FL off the hook. Pinnacle know they have good legal grounds to appeal, know the FL are on a sticky wicket and are, quite understandably playing hard ball. Who is going to blink first? Answer the fans because we are all desperate and after that my guess is it will have to be the FL. Oh to be a fly on the wall on Monday's meeting. Of course Fry could issue a clarification tonight but I am finding his silence deafening and concerning.
  17. I think Fry has a duty to communicate tonight if only to keep other potentially interested parties informed, because the exclusivity deadline is about to pass and Pinnacle have not (because of being held to ransom by a desperate FL) completed the takeover. If I was involved in the Swiss bid for instance I would be very interested in Fry's perception of the situation. The very least he can do is refute or confirm SSN's report that he is now open to other offers.
  18. In the light of SSN reports that Fry is now open to offers again because Pinnacle will not agree to the Football League's insistance not to appeal the 10 point deduction it is time for a statement from the administrator asap. I am hoping Sky have it horribly wrong because a) I think the FL position to be illegal and therefore challengeable and b) I can't believe Pinnacle would let the deal slip through their hands over something that could be overturned after 4 games. This has been a stomach churning day for us fans but spare a thought to all the poor bu**ers at SMS who's livlehoods are now being apparently tossed around like a political football. FYA Mark Fry - the fans have been patient for 80 days now, the 3 week exclusivity period will end very shortly - so please tell us where do we stand tonight?
  19. Jan, if it's an emergency meeting you would think they could convene tomorrow, they must have known this was likely to happen. They are tinkering with people's livlehoods not to mention the fans emotions. Bunch of out of touch, ill-fitting suits out of their depth facing a catch 22 imo.
  20. Surely the FL holding Pinnnacle to ransom like this is highly illegal and challengeable. They are surely entering dangerous waters denying the right of a club to come out of administration because they fear a legal challenge.
  21. Bradford A 1976. Me too Mike - I thought we had drawn at the final whistle. Sobered up when I realised 3 of our party out of 5 were guests in the Bradford nick including the driver. Sobered up even more when Mark Thompson and I bumped into 30 Bradford fans on a deserted Bradford railway station - I still have the scars!
  22. More like journeys beginning Thorpie (I am hoping)
  23. Both found gainful agricultural work on a Cotswold farm apparently.
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