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Fitzhugh Fella

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Everything posted by Fitzhugh Fella

  1. I should by rights the amount of money i put in the till in the old days.
  2. What on earth are you on about?
  3. Last season LC told me face to face he did not want ever to be head man again and would be very happy watching Saints from hospitality box for the rest of his life. I don't neccesarily believe everything LC says but I happen to believe him on that occasion.
  4. I have not dismissed Pinnacle.....yet, I was asking for more proof. I never entertained the thought that Jackson was ever plausible Hope thats clear.
  5. All valid points. I am aware in the initial stages MLT knew very little about the money man and certainly had not met him. I believe TL was acting as the middle man and MLT was putting his trust in TL rather than anyone else. This has been a constant worry to me.
  6. 36 hours ago I was criticised for asking that the money man should reveal himself to prove Pinnacle are genuine. Since then TL has made some contradictory statements that has weakened my confidence and to be frank if it wasn't for MLT's presence and the thought of reading another "a Jackson fronted consortium story" in the Echo I would be close to thinking it was never going to happen. Because of MLT I will keep the faith a little longer but there really has to be some proper news today.
  7. Marc Jackson is a complete and utter waste of time. No one should give him a second glance. He is a complete fantasist and all those on here who give him any kudos whatsoever should hang their heads in shame. He is a pesky irritant getting in the way and the Echo is making a fool of themselves even mentioning the ridiculous thought of him fronting up a takeover. Still waiting for Nickh's report back re his meeting from Bounemouth fans. Nick was very vocal in his support for Jackson but has said nothing since Friday. What's up Nick?
  8. Hasn't TL in his latest message, posted earlier this morning, said he has not yet heard anything official from the league yet? I am feeling distinctly confused and a little worried. I'll put it down to age and administration fatigue!
  9. No I would never question his integrity but I do know quite some time into this whole venture, he had yet to meet the "money man". Whether that has changed now well I hope so.
  10. Roger - for me "finding out" is conclusive proof of Pinnacle's genuineness and ability to deliver. Sorry if you find this silly but with idiots like Jackson around these are indeed "silly" times.
  11. No Gingeletiss, no divine right I accept, in fact none of us have any rights anymore because the club is (nearly) in private hands. However it is not unreasonable surely, if this takeover is going ahead as TL assures us, to at least know the identity of those private hands? Some things are just not adding up (see TL's last post in the early hours) and I just want to see some hard facts now. Sorry if that makes me a dark side inhabitant.
  12. He doesn't sound THATcommitted to us then.
  13. when and who would be a start
  14. Accepted but it might just give you a clue as to whether you might throw your support behind them or not. IE Max Mosley - No Uncle Tom Cobley - perhaps.
  15. Accept your point 100% but what is the point of the money man remaining anonymous any longer. Is he hiding something or is he ashamed of something? If he wants to build a relationship with the fans (and I accept he doesn't have to because he is now the billy ******** owner) then perhaps now would be the ideal time to step out of the closet. (that is a figurative expression)
  16. MJ could not sort himself out of a paper bag - just ask Nick H who has found out the real truth!
  17. I hate to say this but I feel now is the right time for the mystery money man to be introduced. There can be little gained from remaining anonymous now surely. The time for cloak and dagger games are passed. People's employment and the fan's dreams are laid bare tonight. If Pinnacle are to be taken seriously let's have some actual proof of genuine intent with a name of the new owner. Is that not too much to ask? Why so shy? The FL have put the ball firmly back in Pinnacle's court and Fry is inviting others to step forward so now now is not the time to be coy. Tony, you have had more than 3 weeks - if you are serious and your client is committed please show us with actions - employees and fans need some meat on the bone by the close of play tomorrow, otherwise your credibility will, after that, quickly recede with every passing day. Appreciate all you have done and applaud your PR etc etc (and we all love MLT) but we are fast approaching the crossroads of trust. No offence!
  18. I am starting to come around to this way of thinking too. This whole thing is becoming a little farcical and Pinnacle are starting to lose my confidence. Now is the time for them to come into the open, tell us who the money man is, stump up the cash and let's get cracking. Too much talk not enough action from TL.
  19. "I am confident that the Football League will work with us to resolve their issue, and the Lawyers will continue their work in resolving a couple of minor legalities. When all of that is done, we will put pen to paper" So the FL will work with us to resolve THEIR issue?????? I am grateful for TL's updates but it is even more confusing now and it would be good to be given some sort of timeframe here as the players are back in training.
  20. Can anyone nip down to Staplewood to take training this morning?
  21. Derry - hard to deal with a madman.
  22. Groan - it is interviews like this that do our cause no good. If the league think there are any other bidders out there they could well play hardball when considering Pinnacle's application for a license. Jackson should indeed be strung up at Fratton station wearing nothing but his cherry red and white underpants. Along with some of his cronies (now where have I heard that word recently!)
  23. Rattled a cage have I Phil? Did you miss the smiley? Didn't really know Salz had any cronies but there again I haven't spoken to him for about 6 months now - perhaps he's started to hang out with a few!
  24. Your first 6 words are unneccessarily melodramatic, Thorpie, and remember not to throw the baby out with the bathwater just yet.
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