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Fitzhugh Fella

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Everything posted by Fitzhugh Fella

  1. I reckon I knew your Nan! Of course the Corner Post is really the Fitzhugh
  2. You've been reading the Daily Mail or as it is known in my house - the paramilitary wing of Womans Realm magazine.
  3. Quite right too!
  4. No not really - he did say he forgave me but insisted I was wrong to reveal the details of a private e mail. We will have to beg to differ. Another low point for me was hearing that Steve Wigley had been given the managerial position on a permanent basis. I knew then we were going down.
  5. Welcome back Frank As a renowned anti Lowe poster I will say one positive thing about him. I think he actually cared about Southampton FC. He just wasn't capable of thinking he was ever wrong. A lot worse chairmen than him have graced football however - Wilde for one. Also football is littered with Chairmen in it for themselves with an eye to make money out of their clubs. For all his faults Lowe was not one of them. I am still very grateful he is no longer involved however.
  6. Agree with the top but the lowest position for me was the night Pinnacle pulled out as I really thought it was curtains. Thank God ML was still prepared to come in despite being messed around by Fry. Another low for me was getting a bollocking from Matt the previous Saturday for exposing Pinnacle on here. Not nice being shouted at by a legend.
  7. or Adam Crozier
  8. Stand corrected (that will teach me not to be lazy) but even so, at 31 and as fit as a fiddle, his signing was still a coup. Were he to come on the market today at that age there would be a whole host of top clubs in for him. LM did have the knack of signing top quality players from under the noses of bigger clubs. Dave Armstrong, Joe Jordan and Dave Watson to name another three. And who could forget Shilton? Love him or loathe him (and it appears he does polarise the fan base here), he could certainly pull a rabbit out of a hat and it was exciting times to be a Saints fan. I remember signing Osgood (then a real big time Kings Road charlie) and not believing a man of his calibre would ever deign to join us but it was the first of many.
  9. I still find it extraordinary that he was able to persuade Ball to join a 2nd division club and no one in the Div One seemed to want him. He was still in his twenties and was still one of the best midfielders in the country and we got him for 60 grand. Even his Dad didn't want him to come to Saints but LM worked his magic. And what a signing.
  10. I love informative threads
  11. AP talks better than any manager we have had since Lawrie Mac, imo. Very impressed because he speaks like a manager but talks like a fan.
  12. I also think it will help attract better players in the summer. We will be seen as the lower league team going places.
  13. The perfect double. Saints winning away and Poopey losing at home. Deep joy!
  14. Funnily enough I would not be over-critical of Lowe in his last year here Bern as he hands were pretty tied with the financial situation. He made mistakes yes (The Dutch duo and going into administration too late) but I don't think anyone would have survived with the overdraft as it was. Perhaps he should not have come back. However Lowe's "bad" period was basically between the summer after our appearance at Cardiff up until he was removed by Wilde and Crouch, which spanned 3 years. In that time he failed to capitalise on the success enjoyed by Strachan, and then went on to appoint some unsuitable managers. He compounded matters by not seeing the writing on the wall (just a blip) until it was too late mainly because by then he arrogantly thought he was the only one who knew best. His awful pr referred to by Weston Saint was another nail in his coffin.
  15. Have resisted joining in on this thread for obvious reasons but I did enjoy the above thread which sums it up rather nicely I thought.
  16. Indeed - and probably the "greater" the manager the more flaws. Clough anybody?
  17. Yes, I can go along with this. At the time LM was responsible for establishing us as a top 6 club, playing quality football and punching above our weight in the transfer market. They were great days. But as Richard says as a character there are flaws.
  18. Let's hope his groin problems are behind him.
  19. He rarely visits SMS or The Dell, he works at Tottenham in hospitality and always gave me the impression that he would prefer to be associated with Spurs. I could be wrong of course!
  20. Funnily enough I have just bought a copy (Waitrose, Chandlers Ford) and it was a good read with quite a lot Saints news I was previously unaware off. Also an interview with Martin Chivers who claims Saints is the first score he looks for. I always thought he was a naturalised Spur too.
  21. Yea - I was there. Did not notice him particularly but he is a tall bloke who plays alongside Joe Jordan's son, another giant. Jamie white also played but was subbed. A quietish sort of game.
  22. I know Pulis was spoken to after Burley went and before Pearson was appointed. Because he was under contract at Stoke who were pushing for promotion both sides agreed to wait until the summer. Dodd and Gorman were then given the job on a temporary basis (presumably until the summer). Any chance of Pulis then coming were reduced by a) Stoke going up and b) the need to appoint Pearson. This I know for fact - Pulis jnr's subsequent arrival is purely my conjecture bearing in mind what I knew about his Dad's intentions to join us. I may well be completely wrong but my theory would explain a very unlikely incoming transfer.
  23. I believe it is now printed in Weymouth - hence it's abundance in the bournemouth area?
  24. Yes I will miss some of those old local team pics from way back when. Some of the hair styles over the years were worth the cost of the paper by themselves.
  25. Not much point it coming out on a Sunday. I suppose in the old pre internet/Sky days it was a good way to get the scores on your way home from the games. We (Hagiology) have every FE since before the War but tbh I no longer see the need to keep the archive up to date.
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