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  1. good riddance
  2. always difficult to predict games against Man Utd not because of the teams but because of the refs you never know what you are going to get if it is just the teams then i reckon a close win for us, 1-0 or 2-1 but it depends on whether the ref behaves
  3. good result against plastic skunts lose at home again good weekend
  4. nice work good result against a good team
  5. not great but the points are welcome
  6. they're not skates they're skunts - skate cunts - skunts they call us scummers and i laugh because they are too dim to see the irony
  7. there are no easy games in the premiership - especially when you're shite
  8. we never start well palace 1 saints 0 (hope i'm wrong)
  9. we're all going to die
  10. nice one mohammed welcome on board - another top guy to fuck the skunts next time
  11. Yeovil fans are mint i supported ytfc a lot back in their vauxhall-opel league premier days
  12. yeovil and weymouth............................................scary
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