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Robsk II

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Everything posted by Robsk II

  1. Wife!
  2. Why is Butt in capital letters? BUTT.
  3. Dune - why are you bothering? Religion is fundamentally irrational, any form of it. Why are you muslim-baiting?
  4. To be honest, you'd find plenty enough of interest with what you've said, provide you have a good potter about and so on, to fill a long weekend. Pointe du hoc within itself is pretty stunning, and if you take the time to walk along a couple of the landing beaches (partic Omaha) there's loads to see.
  5. I generally agree with the second post, in that there are many who seem very keen to find things to complain about. BUT actually, if we pay as much as we do for games (far too much) then surely it's fair to expect good quality? I've always felt that, for the ticket and food prices, we should really have padded seats, proper meals, and hey, personal butler service.
  6. Lol!!!!1
  7. We used to sit in the Royal Oak (Winchester) garden and laugh at them playing late night goonathons (it used to be opposite).
  8. In this society where equal rights are at least vaguely upheld as an ideal, of course it's bloody alright. If it's not OK for a bloke to hit a woman, then the reverse is not OK either. The thing is, self defence requires use of minimum force, so your mate, Stuey, is probably considered to have used undue force. A red mark versus a split lips sounds like it, too.
  9. I was quite inspired by this. I'm actually not the sort of guy who ever cries (emotionally frigid, dead inside) but it did make me well up a bit. I've had a reasonable relatinship with my old dad, but I've always felt something was missing, you know? I mean, he's not a very good communicator. He'll often not say what he feels, he's not one to say sorry, in short, he's a typical dad in many ways. So anyway, he's not that young any more and has a range of health issues that always worry me, and I was touched by this beautiful story. I went out and bought him one of these: http://www.thewatchsource.co.uk/images/watches/114270Black_main.jpg (I know, I'm sure it's not as good as St Markus's!!) and he was so pleased. We went to the pub together for the first time in years. So I wanted to thank people for relaying this story, and Markus (RIP) for helping bring my dad and me a bit closer together.
  10. I don't think he is.
  11. That's what I've always said. Although apparently some.. was it HP..? Laptop onboard cameras don't consider black people to be legitimate human beings, so who can say?
  12. Well my hairs basically a boring kind of dark blonde, and I'm well past the age of having spots, not that I was too cursed anyway. Still - you can always used a combination of cloning and burn/dodge etc. Why not take another one?
  13. Did you ever think it could be because one side of your face is glaringly bright, causing the software to have a few problems working out the correct tone etc of your skin? I don't know how gameface works, but I'd certainly suggest taking a more neutral shot (no shadows as far as possible etc) and then spending a bit of time in photoshop to sort it out.
  14. I hate the ****ing Sun anyway.
  15. Surely she'd also have to be lying down? Don't give up the day job just yet.
  16. What about James Beattie?
  17. Agreed, pretty much. Franny deserves a mention, and Dodd, and I think both would be on the bench, as it were. Pahars might squeeze in there in a funy kind of way, too.
  18. Ewan McGregor
  19. Peter Czech?!!?
  20. See? A list of morons. Like Nick Illingsworth. And Rabid.
  21. Lucy Pinder, plus various others that have been discussed multiple times. Maybe the drummer from Coldplay, plus some other morons.
  22. Federico 'the Torpedo' Arias
  23. Ali Dia.
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