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Robsk II

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Everything posted by Robsk II

  1. Not targetting saintwarwick specifically, just using it as an example... Is it only me who really resents the fact that the term 'pervert' has become synonymous with the term 'paedophile'? They are NOT one and the same. Pretty much everyone is a pervert when it comes down to it. If a perversion, in this context, is a sexual act which is considered taboo or outside of social norms, then hey, some people consider blowjobs to be perverted, tying people up to be perverted, etc - and I'm willing to bet an awful lot that 90% of the sexually active board users have dabbled in things they consider to be somewhat deviant, even if it's low level stuff like furry handcuffs or silk cords round wrists. Hey, a lot of men seem to love the thought of lesbians, or anal, etc etc, and these are perverted things by puritanical standards. So please consider your own proclivities before chucking those who liked a bit of mild s&m in their own home, etc etc, in with the likes of Glitter et al. Predatory sexual practices of these kinds go far beyond a perversion. Also - what's with the moral-panic ********? I, and most leading experts in the area, consider paedophilia to be basically a mental health issue, something in the chemical and psychological make up of a persons sexuality that has basically gone wrong. Clearly, sometimes society needs to be protected from the more predatory types of people - those with sexual perversions that impact negatively on others. But most of the time, people need help, not shooting. Lock them up if they are a risk, by all means - do what is needed to safeguard the well-being of society. But if we shot everyone with mental health issues, which they can no more help having than a spinal injury related wheelchair user can get up and run around, then we are in a dangerous place and something very uncivilised and unfair. It's ignorance and fear culture that leads to these over zealous, over dramatic reactions. Clearly, no-one wants their children or families or anyone they care about to be impacted on, abused etc, by others. Baying for blood has never helped anyone. Don't say 'what if it happened to you' - of course I'd be outraged. But the fact of the matter is that ridiculous hype based reactions are indicative of no consideration or intellect used to reach a conclusion, and our society should be able to do rather better than that.
  2. See?
  3. OK, so how much do you charge!!?
  4. Any local garage recommendations? Don't want to take it any further than strictly necessary!
  5. Indeed it does. ******** and ****. Thanks
  6. So I may have hit that one in the right area, nice. Cheers, would appreciate that email - need to take it somewhere asap!
  7. A really interesting post in there right now. (Please have a look ponty et al ) Sorry for this post, am in a hurry!
  8. Those old volvos were ugly as hell, yes. But I'll add, as above, that they run forever. Also, they would possibly beat an Abrams M1A1 in a game of chicken...
  9. OK - I am having a nasty problemo with my Peugeot Partner. Question 1 In short, I think something is ******ed with the clutch. Probably not the cable, maybe some bearings? Symptoms - Yesterday, the clutch pedal became a little squeaky, a bit creaky around the upper extents. Drives OK, in handling terms and so on, and I can still change gear, but the issue got progressively worse. It seems that when idling or at lower revs particularly, the engine was making some irregular sounds, so I checked the belts but they look OK. The problem got worse, and on the way back from a meeting this morning (was worried I wouldn't get there, let alone get back..) it was worse than ever. Now, pushing the clutch at all makes it squeal, and, while the engine itself sounds ok, there is something making a high pitched noise - again more noticably at lower revs. Also, the idling has been a little off for a while, perhaps, but this could be unrelated. Any ideas? It really is sounding quite ****ed. Question 2 Any good, reliable garages around Inner Avenue? My old man reckons that Stag gate place might be worth checking out, not based on his own experience but the fact that they seem established enough and do say 'repairs' rather than just 'replace', if you get me. I have a place out towards Romsey I always use, as I know they're good, but I'm not at all sure it'll get that far. I have breakdown cover of course, but I'd rather not use it.. I just want to be able to get there and let them have a look initially, offer an opinion, and maybe fix if they can.
  10. I might come this week; was meant to be going to Cardiff but I think my clutch is a bit ****ed.
  11. They played a few things from Out of time, I seem to remember a track from Green but might be wrong. They definitely played a track from Reckoning, which I wasn't expecting, as well as "End of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)", which was Document. So yeah, I was actually pleasantly surprised.
  12. Tiggs hates everyone and everything. I also enjoyed it because of the company I was with, and the fact that I got a bit drunk.
  13. I went. Was pretty good, REM put on a good show and were very tight, but you'd sort of assume they would be after all this time. Talking of which, I for one was very glad to see them play a good array of older stuff. The older stuff was the reason I got into REM and the main reason I bothered to go to see them, so yeah. Enjoyed it.
  14. I *might* be there this week.
  15. Was not that good, but enjoyed playing. Founding chairperson of Santos FC. The end.
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