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Everything posted by Robsk II
Well, that told us.
Good times.
Each to their own Dicko. It may well be pointless, but so is hating Redknapp. And opinions always vary. I never, ever wanted Hoddle to come back, ever, I hate him, but plenty of people thought differently! Anyway, he did his best to get us relegated. It just so happened that Le God was against him in that!
Christian Ziege...? And yes, I'm not sure they're known for their footballing talent as a college. I don't know what a "football professional" is either.
See, people? Could be worse. Yes, championship, but thank god it's not IB in charge
He was academy director at Sunderland between 1998 and 2002, before leaving. He is currently a football professional at Winchester College. I found this interesting.
I'd still put it to you that you hate "****s", as opposed to students. It just happens that a lot of students are particularly ****ish, particulary in their fresher days, as, yes, they get a rush of blood to the head as they are allowed to drink and smoke and catch STIs.
Shut up, chav. Oh, and LittleAngle - that should be Found Nemo.
That one where you have to get it the highest.
Pavlyuchenko - Spartak Moscow to Spurs - £14m Confirmed today.
Jonas Olsson.. Ajax opponent receiving flick of doom .
Well, given your mispreconceptions, I would relish such a thing.
I'm not saying it's a conventional illness, and I am also not saying this is an excuse. What I am saying is that it is not a choice in the conventional sense. It is like whether you are gay or not. I am not, and nor could I choose to be so. In fact, I also generally don't find black women attractive, like yourself, but that is not due to racism - I couldn't simply choose to make this different. I totally agree that those that act on it are making some kind of choice, but I would still say this is a result of mental disorders - you might be angry enough, for example, to do something crazy if not constricted by your understanding of social behaviours, morality, etc. If you didn't have those normally, you might act differently, and not actually be able to do otherwise within the context of your own mind. That is what I believe about paedos, too. I still believe some others feel the same way, but don't act. Like I said above, I think offenders are those with pre-existing tendencies combined with psychological disorders. So I am not disagreeing with ESB or anyone, really. Just trying to outline my understanding of it.
What happened with Tiggs?
The one in Nottingham is similar. I'm sure it can be ok for a night out if you're with people you like, but it's all a bit tacky and classless imo.
Admittedly, finding good alternatives is more of a problem in Southampton.. still, I'd genuinely rather go most other places than Oceana, but each to their own. I don't really enjoy that meathead meatmarket thicko kind of place, but whatever.
Mike, my car not working is an excuse.
Yeah, that too.
If anyone's coming from town / Inner Ave area, I'd love a lift...
Rather go hundreds of other places to be honest.
Im no sinner, can you adequately explain why you like one chocolate better? Why it tastes better? I for one simply could not choose to be turned on by kids, so I say it is not a choice at all. If you can choose to be so at a whim, then I am somewhat concerned.
Deer Hunter has to be up there, Apocalypse now and Full Metal Jacket are both excellent also, for different reasons. I understand what you mean Manji, I think, but ultimately I think it depends on what you expected.
I'll not argue with you as a whole, but today, if only today, he looked confident with crosses and so on, and I feel the times he was exposed was the result of errors from the defence, not a lack of direction coming from him. On other days I'd feel different, but like you say - today, credit where it's due. That's all I'm saying.