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Robsk II

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Everything posted by Robsk II

  1. It's one thing for a kid to get hit through being dozy, but that is monumental retardation.
  2. Amazingly, I think I make my long awaited return tomorrow.
  3. Well come now CB Fry - don't you recall the countless goals and assists that Viafara offerered over the course of his long, loyal career with us? For god's sake, he virtually kept us in the Premiership single handed. Oh.
  4. I agree with this, in the main. Still, I do think it matters, because whether we like it or not, these kind of decisions are tied up with the fate of the world, dictating foreign policy, how we are perceived as cultures, etc etc. It's too easy looking at the here and now; context adds relevence to history. For example - of course we deplore the actions of suicide bombers and terrorists, but there is no doubt that the 'gung ho' often-times outright imperialist foreign policy of the West over the last century - and more - has played at the very least a key role in bringing resentment towards Western society about. Reasonable or otherwise.
  5. C_F, I would be careful about losing a stone in only a couple of weeks. I myself decided to get a bit fitter, and have lost over 8 kg in three months. Approaching a stone and a half. it is generally suggested that you lose more than around 1kg a week - at that sort of rate, you'll lose a stone in 6-7 weeks. If you lose it quicker than this, you are more prone to put it back on, as well as having baggy skin syndrome. Maybe Redknapp lost some fat on his face too quick.
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/7596451.stm "It's never too early... for a salad"
  7. Helen Love - Does your heart go boom? or anything by An*l C*nt
  8. This guy: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/mid/7596168.stm Talk about stereotypes. Look at him! Perhaps they chose a particularly pervy photo, but still. And a vicar! Although he's not catholic, I guess, so that's one flaw in my stereotype suggestion..
  9. I know the one you mean. Terrifying. We had one in the Meon valley league, I know you did Santos for a bit too.. but we had one woman who everyone took the mick out of but she was actually A) quite fit (not that it's relevent of course) and B) quite a decent ref compared to some of the other dullards.
  10. I'm all for it. However: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vQx2_KQVkpI&feature=related
  11. Lolscott.
  12. There's room for two on the Robsk II ride, ladies. :cool:
  13. Sorry, love.
  14. Bloody brilliant 'keeper, may not see one of similar class for Saints in many, many years, if ever again! Amazing memories from his tenure inbetween the sticks. Have a look at this compiliation to remember just what a sensational stopper he has been (but shy your eyes from some of the saints defending..!). Also, turn the sound down.. or off!
  15. I do, Ma chérie. I do.
  16. I believe you missed a full stop at the end there, BTF my dear. Also, I feel another comma could have been used in your first sentence.
  17. I think you mean an "oh, they're tired" subject from the past.
  18. With your mum? It's all coming together rather nicely, isn't it Sigmund?
  19. Hmm, perhaps. I would say that it would be ironic if it had connotations, when used in French, meaning something quite the opposite. The fact that they don't use it in the same way doesn't seem ironic to me. If we used a series of french words to describe something as being used for a purpose other than which it was originally intended, and that meant nothing related in French, maybe then it would be ironic.
  20. Probably that you fancy your mum, and that you are gay.
  21. I'm not convinced it's meaningless, per se. And I'm not sure it's ironic still.
  22. Yeah the stain. You know nothing. NOTHING, you hear?
  23. Is that ironic?
  24. Sorry, 20.
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