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Robsk II

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Everything posted by Robsk II

  1. Sometimes I hate Saints. Sometimes I love Saints. Today is a day I love Saints. Get in, ****ing excellent, well-deserved. Job done, get in.
  2. Get in Lambo. ****ing get in.
  3. Get in you beautiful ****ing ****er.
  4. That is an excellent point. Federer should be allowed to go through to the final because he was better than Murray three years ago. When we lose to Man Utd on Wednesday, we should be allowed to have the three points because in a few years time our team will be a lot better. Saying that, United were better when they had Schmeichel and Cantona so maybe they should just be awarded the points because their team were a lot better than ours fifteen years ago and we don't need to bother playing the game at all. As for the Euro referendum, it's a load of horse-****, isn't it? At the end of the day, we were better than Germany over two legs seventy years and more ago, so basically we should get to decide what happens.
  5. Robsk II


    See, Turkish? Though I'm not around a lot (I know you miss me), we were once seen as natural enemies. Secretly, though, I have nothing but respect for you. A fine adversary. In fact, a fine figure of a man. Overall, I think you're the best guy I've ever not met. **** it, I love you Turkish. There. I said it.
  6. Robsk II


    Is Mrs Turkish blind or stupid? Oh, silly me. Of course she has to be both! I expect all your mates are meathead idiots who treated their wives badly, were insensitive, inattentive meatheads, that sort of thing. Grown men who never stopped believing they were the hardest men in the world, or 'lads'. You know the sort. Nah, I'm only kidding. But seriously, Turks, my old cockeroo - I expect they all left their husbands because, having met you, they realised they could never be happy. you showed the others up to be what they were not in comparison to you: An erudite, intellectually gifted Adonis of a man.
  7. What the hell is this thread getting clogged with all the infighting rubbish, you bunch of prissy ****s? just ****ing discuss the game. Which was the best I've seen us for some time. Looked far more dynamic and dangerous, less predictable, more options, movement, quality.. Really made up.
  8. Utterly abject.
  9. Robsk II


    What happened to that Loon? Someone mentioned a crazy spaniard supporting Pompey today. I figured it could be him. Crazy freak.
  10. He's a honey.
  11. **** off united you ****ing ****s get in!
  12. I knew this was a load of **** when I saw the words 'Star' and 'Story' together. Surely no-one reads this joke of a rag and takes it seriously?
  13. Robsk II

    Emile Heskey

    Great joke.
  14. Chicken George, Francis Benali and Ali Dia.
  15. I'll second all of what NS and Lazlo said, having been through all this in the last year.
  16. Listen, you blithering c*ckwallet, why don't you just wait and form your own view? Did that honestly never occur to you?
  17. Lived in and around Inner Avenue for a few years, saw him a lot. Never nice to hear of anyone getting chopped. Doesn't quite measure up to Burping Ron (RIP) in my eyes, but worthy of local legend status. A bit like Mad Alec in Romsey, haven't seen him for bloody years.
  18. All the gay orgies TDD takes part in never get any column inches, or many inches at all. Poor guy. My son walks around stark-bollock naked all the time and no-one cares. Admittedly this is only at home, and he is 1, so you know. It's all a load of ****. I couldn't care less if he does some vaguely normal things. They all do, just Harry is a bit of a burke and gets caught. I'd be looking a bit closely at who he hangs around with, and maybe his security arrangements, but it's hardly public interest. The Sun actually had a mistake in their codes of journalistic conduct contract - a typo meant that they publish things if there is 'pub interest', which explains a lot.
  19. You know what's telling from all this? The fact that so many of those are new or relatively new. Southampton has always been an absoulte wasteland in terms of culinary invention and quality. My parents maintain that in the 70s, it was literally not worth trying to find somewhere good to eat in the city. It's the sort of thing that's always saddened me about the place. Any other city of its size has far more to offer in terms of this sort of thing, interesting bars and nights out, culture and all the rest of it. Even Portsmouth, though clearly that's largely focused in Southsea. Southampton residents, perhaps the sort that never leave, seem utterly blind to what a poor city it is in so many ways. I'm glad to see that the wheels of progress are still slowly rolling, though. Much though I don't really like what West Quay is, it was probably needed, as was the redefelopment of Above Bar and Ocean Village. I think both could have been done better but at least we're getting somewhere. Personally I think it would have been a good idea to try to focus redevelopment further down the high street, to make the city closer to the water.. I'm not saying we could have been the Nice or Cannes of the UK, but there is a great deal of potential down there that remains untapped - given that we have such a maritime history, it would have made sense. Still. Getting better, even compared to five years ago.
  20. You're about as charming as Hypochondriac. Sorry, that was a bit harsh.
  21. If Hypo gives you support, you know you've made it. Not only here, but in life.
  22. 74 pages of pointless drivel. Love SWF.
  23. Great username champ!
  24. The other night there were a bunch of skanks shouting at each other over the road from the corner of my place. I'd just got in from somewhere and when this sort of thing happens (a fair bit, I live pretty much over the road from a boozer and on a through route from a ****ty skank-temple set up - mcdonalds, wetherspoons, bowling, nandos etc..) I have that sort of instinct to watch for a bit, make sure nothing too watchable or hideous isn't happening. It's often amusing. There was lots of shouting at each other from some young couple, stupid comments, randomly starting on someone on the other side from where they were, etc., but then one of the girls started walking towards me. She stopped just opposite where I was, in pretty much plain view of anyone apart from those on the main road, dropped her cacks in someones driveway and had a ****. From where I was, if I'd moved, I'd have been spotted, so I figured the best thing to do was simply stay still and try to see her fanny. Seriously, though - it was the most blatant public girl **** I've ever seen from someone who didn't appear to be suffering from some kind of breakdown, and I was, by pure chance, only about 25 feet away. What a day that was!
  25. rat****.
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