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Everything posted by lordswoodsaints

  1. Gaston is still here?
  2. Thats life im afraid,there has to be losers there has to be winners,there has to be rich there has to be poor,we have plundered players from lower clubs and we have been plundered. All this level playing field crap is what is ruining football ,kids playing in games where nobody is a winner and nobody is a loser......complete nonsense ,it just breeds a generation of kids that dont want to win and is probably the reason the England team will get worse. Whoever has the most money buys the best players but it doesn't guarantee success.
  3. Nonsense,ms put in some crunching tackles on Saturday,a couple at full stretch,he didn't look like a man who was protecting himself from getting injured. Personally i thought he had a good game,seeing as he was playing alongside wanyama who has a similar game.
  4. Hes rubbish,only got in the England team cos of who he played for,he would never of got a sniff of an England cap if he played for one of the lower clubs in the prem. Not consistent,not prolific and too lightweight
  5. I've renewed my 3 but I know a few people sat around me who were saying they weren't going to bother renewing for varying reasons,but I'm guessing it will probably be on a par with last seasons count.
  6. He must be devastated playing for the biggest club in the world,still, he can go home to his mansion and count his money for comfort
  7. Meh,thats £12m down the drain....crap player of championship standard,might be useful next season
  8. Like i said before,they are actually made in the same factory that supplies clothing to primark,peacocks,tesco and new look.....says it all really
  9. Its not about football,its not about champions league,its not about the manager or the board....None of the players have left or want to leave because of these things,they want to leave because of the money,saints cant compete or are reluctant to compete wage wise with Liverpool,Manu,spurs,if you couple that with the fact that they have probably been told in no uncertain terms that they stand a better chance of holding down a regular international place away from us (which coincidentally improves their income streams through sponsorship,endorsements etc) then they are going to go. As much as i would have loved saints to take a stance and prevent them from going by holding them to their contracts,it was never going to happen. Not much of a fight was put up to keep them so that tells me the board were happy to let them go,it could have been handled better and i dont think things are all rosy trying to get the players to replace them,IMO its been a bit of a right royal **** up and now they are trying to close the gate after the horse has bolted,reality has finally set in with the board but it is probably a bit late to rectify the problems we are going to have. Even if we manage to keep Morgan and jay and maybe get 3 or 4 new signings it is still going to be a rough start to the season,its another wasted pre season,the whole shape of the team has changed,new players need to be bedded in and if we have a bad start confidence will dip and us lot will start to get edgy.
  10. I agree with a lot of that
  11. The seeds were sown with lallana leaving,if the club had nipped that in the bud then it would have sent a message to any other wantaways that they wont get what they want whilst under contract. Amateur board running a professional club = complete **** up
  12. She also said she was gonna go on a diet to look less like a bullfrog with money
  13. If koeman wasn't aware of whats happening now then it will all end in tears,if he was aware but is struggling to find replacements then again it will all end in tears,if however this is all part of a long term plan then it will probably end in tears Whichever way u look at it the new 'Dutch experiment' will probably end in tears
  14. £18m is a good price for a player that can't hold down a regular place here, I'm sure city will play him though
  15. Why are people so obsessed with hearing things from the club?.....please get it into your heads that it is owned by a private family and they can pretty much do amd say what they like,they dont need to tell us anything. Even if they do decide to put out a statement,it will just be full of spin and half truths,we will never know the full details of anything that goes on behind closed doors so why bother listening to them. A private family saved the club from the brink of extinction and this is the price you pay when the club becomes privately owned.
  16. All I can say is koeman must have BO and bad breath
  17. This No matter how crap the 'big names' play,they are virtually a shoe in for an england place because they sell shirts,they are known worldwide so tv audiences grow and they put bums on seats
  18. Good club player but a failure at international level im afraid,never won anything with england,found it hard to fit into a rigid england lineup and he had one World Cup too many IMO Should of retired earlier Hopefully that other failure,Rooney ,will follow
  19. He's moved on for more money at a bigger,more well known club but with that comes pressure and higher expectancy levels, if he succeeds then good luck to him, if he doesn't then he will just move on or be moved on with a fat payoff.
  20. Wife was, no kids,probably paid for them to go with the nanny out of his inflated wage packet
  21. Well you wont like the fact that people were wishing he broke his leg then! Im sorry but i dont agree,people in the public eye have to expect attention,good or bad.....i never heard him complain when he was being adored so he has no grounds for complaint now,most dont care that hes moved to better his career,what people dont like is the stupid things he said. Im sure he will find comfort in counting his money so **** him
  22. It seems that contracts dont mean a rats arse so who cares
  23. The team needed strengthening even before lallana,shaw and lambert were sold so we probably need 6 players at least,those players will need to be bedded in as they won't be instant successes......so i predict a tough struggle ahead probably mid to low finish.
  24. It was us,we are in benidorm,the judas couldn't of picked a worse day to fly to Manchester,poor ****er
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