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Everything posted by lordswoodsaints

  1. I've had Wembley ringing me, desperately trying to flog me stupidly priced tickets,so I guess they are not selling as well as they'd thought, one of the deals was,buy 1 club Wembley ticket for £1740 then you can buy as many tickets for the cup final as you want for £300 each,so I guess they need to shift them....perhaps this is where the extra allocation has come from.
  2. I think we can safely say that for both of them,being st Southampton was the pinnacle of their careers,they will never achieve anything higher at club level.
  3. You've only just noticed its sh!t? I've been on every incarnation of this forum since the start and this is absolute sh!te I don't bother anymore
  4. This is the type of post that has stopped me from coming on here anymore. God help us if we ever do a Pompey and the fans run the club.
  5. If you could that would be great,thank you Like I said I'm not even sure it is 100% Russian but I've been led to believe it is,the words are....kakoe zhe vi zdes suka govno blat
  6. I need a sentence translated for work and I was wondering if any of my fellow saints fans could help? I'm told it is Russian but I'm not so sure
  7. Remember Norwich haven't lost away since December last year and we are not exactly setting the world alight so a 3-0 is a good result for us St the moment regardless of the sending off
  8. If a player wants a move it's purely for financial gain,the club needs to take back the power from the player,they have a contract to play football,if they refuse then that contract is broken and wages can be withheld,I'm sure after a few weeks of not getting paid or played then they will come around to the idea of playing again,if not then they can always move on to another club and not play there either as we can hold his registration until the end of his contract.....I really can't understand why clubs find it so difficult to manage greedy stubborn players,as soon as you stand firm,hold your nerve and hold a player to his contract and make an example of a high profile player then the whole of footballs attitude towards worthless contracts will change.
  9. Bournemouth would do well to sign him
  10. Jeez stop moaning about friggin prices,either you want to watch saints or you don't,when I first started paying for myself to watch saints it was 40p but I still go and I don't moan that it's still not 40p.....prices never ever go down they always rise,get over it.
  11. It's not the move Morgan wants,he wants champions league so this would be a sideways move.....more money I expect but I don't think that's what Morgan is about.
  12. Not really bothered if he goes if I'm honest,a decent enough player but has recently looked average,probably distracted by transfer talk and contracts.get the deal done early,get a replacement in early and all will be good.
  13. He didn't get a watch when he signed?
  14. Cheaper just to hold a banner up as they get off the bus but my real thoughts are who gives a rats ass about two players that play (or mainly sit on the bench) for Liverpool Why not hold up a banner saying 'Thankyou- we spent the Suarez money well'
  15. No,ladies football is sh!t,football has gone too soft as it is. How about we start a petition to ban shaking hands before the game and leave it until after the game Friggin namby pamby do gooders have messed the game up enough
  16. Straight on your season ticket,confirmed by the ticket office yesterday
  17. I think what has happened to us this season will teach fans of other clubs,the press and the media a valuable lesson that will stay with them for the rest of their lives And that lesson is shut the fook up
  18. He took one for the team,as simple as that
  19. Like mourinho said .... 'We are only champions of the autumn ' So that makes us runners up of the autumn If we can continue this form then we could be champions or runners up of the winter Then who knows?
  20. Unfortunately our high flying status does not sit too kindly with the press and media,basically 'Southampton fc flying high' doesn't sell papers.
  21. I will get bored when we have to buy a win and not develop it
  22. Forster awful today,looked like a different keeper Scrappy high tempo game that we never settled into
  23. I dont think vg will be given as much time to establish himself as koeman will be given,if I'm honest vg looks a bit out of his depth and is trying to play a system that is gonna fail at united
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