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Everything posted by lordswoodsaints

  1. season league position 1974-75 13 1975-76 6 1976-77 9 1977-78 2 promoted 2005-06 12 2006-07 6 2007-08 20 2008-09 ? in our promotion season we lost 7 drew 13 won 22. we drew our first game lost our second and then won 3 on the bounce. 5 of the 7 losses came before boxing day and 8 of the 12 draws came after boxing day. 15 of the 22 wins were at home. oh and pompey got relegated to the old 4th division when we got promoted to the first :-) hopefully history will repeat itself. keep the faith. come on you reds.
  2. the difference is alpenis im trying to calm people down and be positive about our situation,you on the other hand are just sticking a sh1tty stick in a bucket full of sh1t and stirring until you get the right result for you,which is lowe removed, regardless of what happens to the club.
  3. you are right i do remember billy graham being advertised as making an appearance.
  4. i was too busy sticking pins into my kevin phillips voodoo doll whilst my mate who works for carphone warehouse was sticking things into his mrs phillips doll.
  5. i think we all knew roughly what players were likely to go and tbh surman was one of the players i thought might get tempted by the big bucks from the prem but davis was slightly surprising,by the sounds of it he wanted to go rather than he was forced to go and lowe probably didnt have a choice as it was probably written into his contract.
  6. anybody remember the large religous rallys/meetings that used to be held at the dell during the summer months.it was a regular occurance by the mormons or some other group?? who used to hire the dell out for their annual knees up. i dont know if st marys has been used for the same thing but perhaps it is time for this to be encouraged,not only will it be a nice little earner but it could also buy us a bit of favour with the gods.
  7. schneiderlin is a different case,he is here because another much larger team want him 'nurtured'.
  8. i have 4 boys and they all support saints,well one of them is only 3 weeks old but he will be educated in the ways of the red and white army. it is easy to be a manu or liverpool fan,to be a saints fan is very difficult at times but i wouldnt change it for the world and i wouldnt let my kids ever forget where they come from. i have family who are scousers that still live in liverpool (something which is hard to imagine :-)) and they dont look too kindly on non scousers supporting their team or woolybacks as they like to call them. mercenary glory hunters imo.
  9. we were told when lowe returned that players will have to be sold,high earners will have to removed from the wage bill,cutbacks would have to be made and the youngsters would be thrown in at the deep end,so why is everybody so surprised by what is happening? if this had all happened without the 'heads up' then i could understand the surprise but we all knew it was coming and it would have happened with or without lowe. imo the only surprise is that we were told it was going to happen,something which would have been hushed up before.
  10. tbh if he was any good he wouldnt be coming here. but everybody deserves a chance and that is what we will give him(hopefully)
  11. good lad ,but i fear he will be back in the championship sooner than he thinks.
  12. i like the idea of somebody being interested in buying the club but i dont think that merrington and his mates will have enough money to be able to make us a lot better than we presently are.
  13. shes not very clued up about saints. http://www.lucypinder.info/FAQ/saints_fan.html
  14. ooohhhh ...............its a sticky alright,i better get the pillows in the washing machine before the wife gets back.
  15. think of the club as a sick patient in a coma,and the wealthy fans as well wishing relatives. they are concerned but are not prepared to stick their hands in their pockets as there is still a chance that the club will make a full recovery.
  16. wealthy fans should not get involved in failing football clubs,unless they are so wealthy that they dont mind losing £100m+. anyway if rumours are to be believed the wealthy fans will not be able to compete withthe offer about to surface.
  17. by 24 hours,good or bad for saints? although it is very unlikely we will be making any signings,unless of course the davies money is released for transfers, will this give the club more oppurtunity for players to be shipped out? imo the only plus point is it gives shearer another day to get a new team together :-)
  18. i know that there are lots of female saints fans and a few on here who post on a regular basis but do you think the influx of more and more females at games is the reason for the lack of passion and aggressive chanting amongst the crowd leading to a more sterile atmosphere. when i was a kid in the 70s i only knew one lady who went to the dell on a regular basis,obviously there must have been more but she was the only one i knew that gave a good account of herself when it came to singing and chanting. i hear more and more ladys on the after game chat shows on the radio and although a couple have valid points most talk a load of flowery sh1te. men who go with their ladyeez tend to be a bit more reserved when they are sat with them. women tend not to get involved too much in the banter and chanting. so are the ladys making for a better atmosphere or are they causing the men folk to be a bit too civil? should there be a ladys section of the ground where they can all congregate to watch the game away from the men so the men can once again be free to act in a proper football fan manner perhaps making the atmosphere a bit more intimidating for the visiting team and supporters? disclaimer- although some of the points are valid questions please take most of the above as tongue in cheek;-)
  19. i think that is lowe and wildes day off.
  20. i see the shearer rumour has raised its head again in the NOTW... this rumour has been doing the rounds for sometime and really doesnt stand up, shearer would want money to spend in the same way as keane did when he took the sunderland job. unless there is somebody willing to plough money in then shearer will not be coming. so where did it come from? and why does it keep on coming back? i did hear the same thing about shearer from somebody inside the club and somebody in the media about a month ago but chose not to post it as i thought it was complete sh1te but perhaps,just perhaps there is some truth in it and that is the reason it keeps on coming back. no smoke without fire and all that.
  21. i think it is owned by crouch.
  22. i had some fat bastard sat 3 rows in front of me moaning for the whole game only his hatred for the ref and linesman outweighed is unhappiness at our team.i sincerely hope he is not a season ticket holder otherwise i will seriously have to consider changing my seat or pushing the fat arsed fvcker down the stairs. everybody is entitled to a moan but to moan for the sake of moaning is a nonsense.
  23. this is all well and good but lowe may not be able to do anything about him leaving,it is probably in his contract to leave if a prem club comes calling. even worse he could be one of the players earmarked by the bank to sell on as he is a high earner and has the potential to wipe out a few debts. either way i cant see him staying,why would he? there is nothing here for him.
  24. other than a takeover there is only one way that the club can stop the cutbacks and that is for all the missing fans that filled the stadium when we were in the prem to return...............where the fvck are they? surely they cant all be 'working different hours','have other commitments' or 'cant afford it'.
  25. i dont think it is a case os somebody else picking the team,it is a case of 'these are the players who are staying and these are the players who are possibly for sale' again dictated by our financial needs rather than the footballing needs.
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