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Everything posted by lordswoodsaints

  1. i never mentioned salz,i said that the banks were reluctant to deal with crouch but were more than happy for lowe to return. although salz was happy to 'help out' that helping out would have still cost us money,lowe was capable of forwarding a business plan so cut out the need to pay salz.
  2. i do agree that for some of the youngsters it is too much too soon,but they will either wilt and die under the pressure or they will become stronger,better players. only time will tell if blooding so many youngsters in one go pays off but tbh it looks like we have little choice,one thing for sure,it wont put me off supporting my team and nor should anyone else.
  3. tbh i think you are a bit misguided,the team that is put out each week is the first team.if nobody from the reserves ever broke into the first team then we wouldnt ever be able to field 11 players. what would have happened if letiss was never given a chance to step up or moran,wallace,shearer,williams,channon.......etc etc the list is endless. i suggest that if your decision making process is swayed by the quality of player on show then please feel free to support a premiership team.you will find the best quality players in the world plying their trade there. i am sorry but i have no time for 'fans' who think the premiership is the only place to watch football,either you support saints or you dont,simple as that. if you are a saints fan, now is the time to stand up and be counted,let your presence be felt at st marys because if the trend of low crowds continue then you probably wont have a team to support.
  4. the problem is not wether he will sell,it is wether there is anybody who wants to buy. i have a sneaking feeling (and a little bit of inside help) that the help we are getting from the bank would not have been forthcoming if crouch and co were still in charge,their co-operation was only ever going to be given to lowe as the banks feel more comfortable with his financial ability. i could be wrong.
  5. im afraid your ticket only guarantees you entry to sms and a seat(unless you are a bit naughty). im also afraid that this attitude is the type of attitude that prevents more people from attending home games..........somebody buys a ticket and then they think they should have control of every aspect of running the club,picking the team and the players we buy and sell. i have 4 season tickets does that make me chairman?
  6. every season for the last 40 years as far as im concerned and that is exactly what i have been doing and so should you.
  7. extra policing and extra stewards.
  8. if crowds get that low then the decision to 're-evaluate' will be taken out of his hands by the bank.
  9. having the fans close together costs money,something we havnt got.
  10. some people wouldnt care how we get to the prem just as long as we get there but i would hate it if we had to do what derby did(i dont think my neck could take it). i pay my money to be entertained and if that results in a win then all well and good.i hate to see us lose but if the players have given there best and have tried to play a bit of football then i cant really be too unhappy.
  11. i agree that the prices are high but i dont think this is the problem.the problem is that people dont want to pay to see championship football especially when it looks like we will again struggle. i would love to see st marys full again as it looks a bit depressing sat in a half full stadium. i have 4 season tickets and i would be happy for the club to lower prices if it gets people through the turnstiles but i would imagine there are many season ticket holders out there who would kick up a fuss.
  12. i always thought that dexter was the better of the 3 but only just,best and mcgoldrick are the same type of player........lazy.Dex seems a bit more hungry.
  13. i never said it was a bad idea??? i just think that my idea is a more realistic,attainable way to get the funds flowing. to sit behind a computer screen and pour scorn on historical problems at our club is imo a waste of time and useless.whatever the rights and wrongs of lowes tenure, the future can be changed a lot quicker if more people decide to actually support their team by spending money.i realise going to games is not always possible for differing reasons but to use the whole 'lowe' thing as an excuse not to attend is frankly just that,an excuse. as for 'Über fan' i prefer to be called Überlegen fan, mein Freund mit der kleinen Penis
  14. very funny but not the answer imo. JP is a good man and he has got the kids playing some good promising stuff,he just needs a decent run of results to push on. i may be wrong but i have to have the hope that i will be right.
  15. how about this for an idea....... how about everybody who say they support saints but never go to st marys or never buy any merchandise actually try attending or at least spend a few quid in the megastore? just an idea.
  16. too true,the second division days in the 70's held some of my best memories as a young fan,even in the old second division we were able to attract some of the best players in the land but things have moved on and players no longer want to play for footballing reasons,they simply go to the club that pays the best wages for their level and that unfortunatly is not us. although i would like to think that we are able to compete without the need to spend money as we did in the 70's i know it is not possible unless we are very very lucky,so im afraid we will require some sort of investment. playing in a lower league never put me off going to watch the team i love(perhaps i may have been too young to bother about it) and i certainly dont remember the old man ever being bothered by it so what is the difference today? my kids have a little moan now and again about our plight but they have never said that they didnt want to go anymore,but i also know a lot of people (with kids) that dont bother going because of the league we are in,which to me seems crazy but perhaps it is me who is nuts? perhaps i am inflicting a lifetime of misery on my kids :-) that'll teach em for all the times they have kept me up at night or thrown up down my shirt.pesky kids.
  17. as mike ashley has just realised,even if you are a billionaire it doesnt guarantee success.................£250 million spent with nothing to show apart from a club in turmoil with some very disgruntled fans and some very ordinary players and no silverware. stability is just as important as money coupled with a patient set of proper fans that do actually attend games regardless of what league we are in. we are no worse or better (financially) than most of the teams in this league but we seem to have a 'bigger club' expectancy level which shackles our progress.perhaps the other clubs fans are more realistic about their club and team,perhaps they support their team in bad times as well as good,perhaps it might even work here..........funnier things have happened.
  18. you really need to look further than hoddle imo he would need money to spend (something that we dont really have),without money he would do just the same job as JP is doing. hoddle is not the answer,money is the answer and as long as people refuse to attend home games it is something we will be without for a long time. i know the only way to attract fans back is to play and win with style but this obviously isnt going to happen much this season so people need to bite their lip and come and support a team that will struggle,its not nice but they are your team and they need our vocal support as well as our financial support. please dont give me some old sh1t about not coming because of lowe as it doesnt wash with me,they are your team they need you ,so get your arses along and support them.all of the stay aways never stayed away when we were in the prem and the 2003 cup run,lowe was in charge then as well by the way.
  19. correct,it was covent garden but i think it was more by chance than design.
  20. we are reaping the benefits of the walcott deal in the shape of schneiderlin.
  21. tbh ESB its a bit tongue in cheek and i doubt that the memory will serve me well enough to fill the pages,and although what i am saying is the truth nobody outside of southampton would be interested which is probably the problem that duncan has. but saying all of that it would be nice to get my memories down on paper along with the memories of other saints fans just for personal pleasure.
  22. they would say that. i have met the so called 657 or their representatives on at least 2 occasions maybe 3 and have never recieved a single punch from them. whilst we were clashing with the big boys of the old first division they were running round the lower leagues exchanging calling cards with the small clubs so they didnt really get the chance to meet with us.the best they could do was ring the wagon and threaten whoever was stood next to the phone............really big of them.
  23. he's just a whore who will jump into bed with any wannabee hooli (rob silvestre) just to make a few quid for himself and up his profile. the sad truth is people believe every word he writes.
  24. as there is little happening on the board at the moment i thought i would start a thread sort of in the mould of the soul cellar thread (sort of). i went to the cinema the other day (or pictures as it was in my day) and saw an advert for the new cass pennant movie. for those of you who are not aware of cass pennant,he was a well known figure in the west ham icf in the 80's.now i havnt read any of his books and i have no intention of seeing his film but i know people who have and they tell me that his exploits in the 80's are well documented,but...........what he fails to mention is the fact that my mate put him on his arse at an orient vs saints game (those of you who were there will know the circumstances of why he was there). all of this got me thinking about the old days and i have just realised that i should write a book about my time following saints,i have been present at some very memorable games over the years and also been 'present' at some memorable meetings between fans. i was involved with the meeting with denton (rip) in archers road when he also had a meeting with the pavement and also cass pennants great pompey mate rob silvestre crying like a baby ,obviously no mention of this in this little gem..... http://astore.amazon.co.uk/pompey-21/detail/1844540723/202-3245258-9300644 i dont want to get accused of glorifying the hooligan element in society but it did happen,i was involved and i cant change the past but if these mugs can make a few quid why dont i? some of you know me and know the truth but would anybody outside believe me? or do i just bull**** my way through as seems the norm in most of these books. so what do you reckon,write the book or give it a miss and go back to my comfy chair with a nice cup of tea? any storys that can be added?
  25. with this forum. it has become very stale and boring and not much is being discussed. is it because of the £5 fee? is it because there is nothing interesting to talk about? is it because the sensationalist rumour mongers have been assassinated? i paid the £5 fee but find myself not logging on as much as i used to mainly because there seems to be little to log on for. posts seem to linger on the 1st page for days rather than hours.
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