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Everything posted by lordswoodsaints

  1. i agree with a lot of what you are saying,but your team spent many many years languishing in the football wilderness (outside of the prem/old 1st div) so your supporters didnt really know any different and most of them had no experiences of playing at the highest level whereas a lot of our fans are a tad bitter about the whole relegation experience and will try and persecute anybody who doesnt change our fortunes overnight,they have been spoiled and are now acting like spoiled children when things dont go the way they want them to. the reality is that most of the young lads out there are trying their best,but it looks like their best isnt good enough for most people.they will learn to cope with playing in this league but it will take time,the best we can hope for this season is just to survive.
  2. i do agree that McG seems untouchable and i do agree that some of the older players are being frozen out but they still must be part of the training process,they still must have some influence over the youngsters.that aside KD,perry,stern,wotton and svensson are all regulars and to some extent surman could be considered as having a bit of experience. it would be nice to have a couple more old heads but we just dont have the money and who's to say that they would better the cause..........it a gamble that we cant afford.
  3. isnt that what we are doing? davis,wotton,perry,svensson(when fit),stern,thomas and skacel and euell maybe to return. id say thats a pretty fair mix.
  4. what do you suggest we do? get a load of overpaid journeymen in to see us right? in the meantime going further into debt and still not doing any better. didnt we try that last season? you are probably right,we are going to struggle,we always were but we cant change it so whats the point in worrying about it.we will finish in the position we deserve and if that is bottom then so be it,that will be our level.i wont be happy if we do,but we wont be the first club to fall from grace in such a short space of time and we wont be the last.the leagues outside of the premiership are littered with teams who think they are bigger and better than they are,teams who think they should be easily beating coventry etc but the reality is we are just another skint team struggling to survive and dreaming of better days. those days may come again but chances are they wont.sorry to **** on your birthday cake.
  5. it doesnt worry me because it is expected,we are not a great team,we are not even a good team and we cannot expect to turn teams over very often. we will probably be mugged by a few more teams in this league but i am confident that we will gain enough points to survive and that is all we should expect. your expectations are obviously higher than mine but you have to be realistic,we are no longer a premiership team,we are no longer a top half championship team,we are a team that will struggle in this league and probably will flirt with relegation every week. its not nice and i dont know the answers but it is reality,the kids have a lot of potential but its going to be a very steep learning curve. dont worry too much about it,it is out of our hands,all we can do is offer our support every week and hope things come good as has been the norm for me for the last 40 years.
  6. dont be embarrassed,we lost to a better team. AP is right,we dont have another option,we have tried getting so called 'better' players in on stupid money and where did it get us? narrowly avoiding relegation. losing to coventry is nothing to be ashamed of,they were simply the better team who played some good football.we couldnt deal with them as they were too good for us.
  7. simple really,we were beaten by a better team. i didnt see anything in that performance to worry about ,we were simply outplayed by a more accomplished team.
  8. i have no time for the echo since a well written argument by myself was heavily edited to fit in with their agenda. i did complain about it but i never recieved a reply.
  9. im afraid the newcastle fans will never be happy as they think they are bigger and better than they are (where have i heard that before). if reports are to be believed that he is looking to make a £50 mil profit from the sale,this would be enough to secure our future (financially) for a few years, it wouldnt be enough to push us onto bigger better things.i would like the money but perhaps not the man,but saying that he might do a good job here as our expectations are not as high as the geordies.................or are they?
  10. southampton is for life not just the premiership...........not even just for the top half of the championship,or wether or not lowe is in charge. get out and support your team.
  11. try coming yourself and then form an opinion than somebody actually wants to read.
  12. a bit misguided imo. how did you come to the conclusion that lowe and wilde will give their shares away because you boycott games? why would they give many thousands of pounds of shares away,they would have to be clinically insane to give that sort of money away,they didnt get rich by doing that sort of transaction. you are entitled to your stance but your logic is not very logical tbh.
  13. 15000+ who missed a good game of football imo.............fvcking idiots.
  14. i say get off your arses and actually go and support your team for real and not from your armchair
  15. got to be nick holmes for me,closely followed hugh fisher,david armstrong,tim flowers,paul telfer and many others
  16. the fulthorpe bid will make us no better off than we are imo.i dont belive they have enough money to take us to a higher level.out of the frying pan into the fire me thinks.
  17. tbh i would price the womens tickets at £100 to try and deter them from going.apart from that the rest sounds good to me.
  18. sad, hard times for most of us im afraid but i wouldnt want to see salisbury go under,i enjoyed my pre season friendly there this year and they were brilliant with the kids. hope they can raise the money.
  19. i dont mind if the club reduce prices this season to fill the stadium but it will give me no incentive next season to renew my season tickets,i will just pay week by week and perhaps i might get a few perks during the season. i would still attend all home games so the club is virtually guaranteed my money,thats if there is still a club to support.
  20. i think you are right,as a plc we do get to know more about our club but there are a lot of people out there who take an unhealthy interest in probing the finances (or lack of) of SFC. i prefer the old days when nobody worried about every penny going out and coming in and certainly didnt give a flying fruitcake who was in charge.
  21. and we certainly are one of them at the moment. dont get me wrong we have a bit of promise but we are never going to be chelsea or manu,we will have some good times and and we will have some more bad times. it is hard work being a saints fan,it always has been really,but i could never take the easy option and support manu,arsenal or chelsea. even though things are looking pretty grim at the moment what else can we do apart from continue to support the team we have supported all of our lives? we could withdraw our support but what does that actually achieve? the club loses even more money,the players become restless playing in front of small crowds and in our case the banks also become edgy but most of all we will miss our team playing football. i can understand that some people want to protest but i honestly believe that lowes days are numbered with or without the protests and boycotts so i think you are wasting your time.he will either sell up or go under as we cannot continue in our current form and sooner or later the banks will lose patience. so continue to support our sh1t little team as its the only sh1t little team we have got.
  22. i wouldnt invest a penny in the club apart from maybe buying a box and the occasional visit with the kids to the megastore........oh and maybe an electric fence around my box to keep you peasants out :-)
  23. sounds like good business to me. to take young up and coming stars and turn them into multi million pound assets has to be a good thing and it also shows that the academy is doing its job. you have to understand that the academy is there to make money,we are a selling club just like 99% of the clubs in the football league and once any player shows a bit of class or promise then he is going to be snapped up by a wealthier club. every player in the world has ambitions and priorities,and usually they look something like this..... a) earn as much money as possible b) play for the best team possible c) win as many trophies as possible d) play for your country z) be loyal. the academy is a cashpoint for the club ,they are constantly looking for the next big pay day and that will probably be lallana.
  24. after reading a few of the threads about low crowds at sms can we have a poll as to why this is. there are many different reasons that have been stated in the other threads so it would be nice to find out what the most popular reason is. remember it is only for the people who dont go anymore or dont go as much as they used to. honest answers only please. a) lowe & wilde b) bad start to the season c) the division we are in d) the manager e) lack of money/ticket prices f) work commitments g) too many youngsters in squad. h) other
  25. i think you will find that attendances are down at most grounds and sport in general due to lack of money,i didnt go to the game on saturday as every year for the last 15 years i have gone to newbury races for the same meeting and this weekend was the quietest i have ever seen it.
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