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Daren W

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Everything posted by Daren W

  1. Dear Steve, Baj, Rob and et all, This is why I will not be registering a s full user. I'll see you on Saturday and I'll gladly, glady give you the membership money as you work hard to give Saints fans avoice and I whole heartedly belive in that and I've gladly give you a fiver for that but I do not want full membership status. Why? Because this messageboard sadly still attract scumbags who stir the **** and are the antethesis of what I class as being a saints fan. I can argue the ass off anyone. I've had arguments with load of posters on here, Delldays, Misselbrook, Johnny Boy but I never doubted for a second that if I met them in real life we'd argue, have a beer, call each assholes, have a laugh about it and then argue again online the next day. I never doubted for second that they were Saints fans and despite differing opinions, we all cared deeply for the club. But recently this board has attracted the worst kind of scum. Cowardly pieces of trash who seem to revel in their anonimity and feel they can spray the most grievous of insults without any real responsiblity or outcome. I can't tell you how deeply I resent Sundance Beast's post. I'm not a bitter man, or one who, as Sundance would like to portray, is angry, hitting out at the world in anger. I'm reasonably well adjusted, mouthy, stupid, vodka drinking Saints fan living wih cancer and looking for a way to balance out the unfairness of it with some semblance of fairness. For me, raising money for charity is my way of balance. Now if asking the club for help to raise money for charity, or asking the club to get a dying woman's shirt signed is somehow asking for the moon on a stick then someone please tell. But if, like me, you thought this club had a proud tradition of raising money for charity and being the heart of the community then perhaps, just perhaps, you might think the club ignoring a request for help in raising money for charity is rather sad and shocking. To answer the Professor's questions, to his first point if Sundance can't answer my point without being offensive and objectionable then that's his problem, he has the right to be an asshole. I have the right to reply. To his second point the club had ample time to put their side across, as I've emailled and sent a letter... No reply... again. I mentioned it four times in my Echo column as I thought somone, somewhere, might read it and think "Hm, this really isn't the best bit of PR is it? Perhaps we should sent the fella a note or something." Even if it's a polite refusal. They didn't. That's it. That's all.. I'm not angry, I'm sad. I love this club desperately but to ignore two charitable appeals just hurts. No more, no less. Best of luck mods, it's not your fault in any way but this messageboard isn't what it should/could be... Best of luck with the trolls, Regards, Daren
  2. **** you you low rent piece of trash. I approached the club as the son of a mother dying of cancer. If the club can't be arsed to even reply then that says plenty as to how out of touch they've become. I find your post highly, highly offensive. Z list celebrity status? And this comes from someone who desperately seeks attention on a messageboard and yet can't even be arsed to pay to maintain his "celebrity satus" I notice yet again you fail to address the simple fact that I din't want a penny from the club just the chance to COLLECT MONEY FOR CHARITY on club property. Your supposed view of me is irrelevent, as are you to be fair, you sad arsed troll. All I wanted was permission to collect money for CHARITY outside the ground. If that is such a ****ing huge problem then god help us all. "Hello Southampton Football club? I'd like permission to collect money for Cancer Resarch on club property. Is that possible." "I'm not sure but we'll look into it and get back to you." IT'S NOT ****ING ROCKET SCIENCE IS IT?? You again fail to address the fact that the club couldn't even be arsed to arrange a trip for a dying woman to get her shirt (yes they didn't need to even pay for one she owned hers) It was left to a fellow fan Dave Ford to organise something. That is shameful for a club that is supposedly the "Spirit of Southampton." In closing, you're either not that intelligent or just deliberately twisting my words but I think I made it very clear my stance is a personal one and at no stage have I ever suggested any kind of boycott. All I have done is told people my personal view of the club. I approached the club not as, as you say, some low rent local "celebrity" but as Saints fan trying to raise money for charity. Saints fans need to know these things, they need to know if the club they support is morally deserving of the undying suport they give. You call it bile, I call it exposing one small element of the club that I found particularly unpleasant. No more no less. What makes my sitauation any more special than anyone elses? Absolutely nothing and I'd do the same for any other person who had a loved one dying or seriously ill. The only one who seems to attach any ego to me is you. What makes my appeal special? CHARITY you ****ing asshole. In the meantime if you have anything to say to me, say it to my face. Don't hide your PC spreading your bile, trolling your sad arse off, say it to my face. Be a man. or better still, let's hear from you, what's your real name or are you too much of coward to say so? Be a man... I double dare you...
  3. I have my own personal reasons for not renewing Steve and if I am cutting my nose off to spite my own face then so be it. In my personal opinion and my own personal dealings with the club they do not deserve my season ticket money. I'm not asking for any one to take any kind of stand but from a personal point of view I feel the club let me down. I asked them to help me raise money for Cancer research and they didn't just refuse they just completely ignored it, despite four mentions of it in my column in the Sports Echo. The same went for organising a visit for my mother to get her shirt signed which would have cost the club nothing and yet again they ignored my request despite my contacting them by phone, email and letter. It was left to Dave Ford to step in and organise it. At the time she had six months, was it really that much trouble to organise something? The club wouldn't/couldn't but Fordy could. Family club my arse.... That's just me though, my personal choice... They may well win the league but for this season I'll be attending every game but paying game by game,
  4. There does seem to be a lot of posturing on both sides here but I think it was Weston Saint who hit the nail firmly on the head by saying "Why should the fans be responsible for bailing the club out?" Why should we? I don't notice the major shareholders going without, I don't notice prices going down that much but I do see staff being sacked left right and centre Now for the record I wouldn't boycot St Marys. I'll go game by game as I personally feel the club doesn't deserve my money in one lump sum, but I'll still go as at the end of the day it's the players I go to watch not the board. But I respect those people for whom their principles dictate that the Chairman ruins their support of the club and they resent paying money towards his wage. It's one aspect of the PLC set up that makes me sick to my stomach. When times are good, they all get money, draw a wage and hop on the gravy train. When times are harsh, do you see them putting money into the club or taking a wage reduction? No you don't but you do see the kitman losing his job and loads of other lower paid staff being fired. There's no easy solution but a firm step forward is for Lowe and Wilde to apologise. Lowe was in charge during our relegation and his meddling and conveyour belt of managers were very much a part of our fall from grace. Wilde is equaly responsible for upsetting the applecart when he had no plan A let alone a plan B and then jumped ship leaving us with a team of absolute jokers. When that is done perhaps the fans can take some responsibility by going to thegames, putting money in the coffers and thus ensuring these billiant young lads and their ever increasingly admirable manager, stay here at St Marys. Apportioning blames, slagging off fans that choose to stay away and infighting amongst ourselves is going to solve nothing... but hey, it looks good on an internet forum ...
  5. I used your post as it was the most intelligent of the posts regarding Pearson that were "less complimentary." In my mind there can be no doubt Pearson inherited a terrible squad, unfit and under motivated. It took a while but a least under him they fought hard and showed some spirit... something they never showed under Burley or D&G. I have no doubt not so ever that we are miles better under the new management team but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate a man who did a job for us and showed more grit, determination and sheer dignity that the previous six managers... put together... I just bitterly resent the Burley/Lowe revisionists who slag him off purely because they view him as Crouch's appointment. The portrayal of him as some cloth capped hoof merchant isn't just insulting its very, very wrong.
  6. Daren W


    But you are blatantly ignoring the "fact" that Scooby didn't have a season ticket before the new regime took over, he pretty much admitted that himself! You even edited out that part out of my post when quoting it as if it doesn't exist. You're now holding him up as a shining example of how fans should be and are conveniently forgeting that the roles were reversed when Lowe was deposed. He didn't go to games (according to Scooby himself) and Hacienda did. Did you say anything about that? It's just astonishing how people can criticise certain posters of a certain behaviour and ignore the carbon copy behaviours of others (albeit with the same view point as their own), doing exactly the same as the people they're criticising. If you think Hacienda is wrong to not attend games because of Lowe then surely Scooby is just bad for not attending games when Lowe isn't in charge? But then he is a troll and this whole argument is complete and utter ******...
  7. Daren W


    So you didn't have one before then? Hell of a commute for the home games from Washington isn't it? Going by your newly acquired season ticket you seem to place more importance on who's in the boardroom than who's on the pitch then? Bit rich to then criticise someone for not going to home games in his own protest against the board then isn't it? For ****s sake, all this talk about putting money in other club's pockets by attending away games is the most ridiculous argument I've heard in ages. It just wipes out decades of away support as not being financially important enough to the club and is unique to this "Football only existed after Euro 96" mentality that seems to flow amongst the Sky generation of football fans with David Beckham/Wayne Rooney posters on their walls and virtual Sky season tickets as opposed to real ones. A bit of an insult to every fan who attends away games really... If people chose to not attend games because of Lowe then that's their choice... I just think they're missing out on some good football, that's all...
  8. Agree that we should be looking forward but for the life of me I can't see why Pearson is so reviled amongst some fans on here. Have people got so entrenched in their anti Lowe/anti wilde/anti Crouch/anti McMenemy stances that they actively seek to slag off and denegrate a decent man who did a good enough job for us and may or may not be a significantly lesser manager that the current incumbant. For crying out loud, Pearson, on current evidence, is not as good a manager as Poorvielt but he's not as bad as some would make him out to be. He inherited a demotivated, unfit team and managed to eventually turn things around. If you were to ask me which manager I'd prefer then of course, on current performances, say Poortvield in a heartbeat but I'm eternally grateful to a decent, honest, hard working manager who did a good enough job in short time.
  9. Oh dear, how utterly, utterly embarassing... (bit like his team really)
  10. I just wish people could seperate Lowe/Wilde from the team/manager and get behind the boys. I think you're absolutely right and it's a shame that some people worry more about Lowe/Wilde than seeing these exceptionally talent young lads brimming with ability and desire. How some people can almost want them to fail is beyond me... The people I spoke to after the Brum game seemed very upbeat, disappointed but upbeat. There were a few cynics but mainly upbeat. You come on here and other messageboards and you want to slit your wrists! Can't wait for Blackpool now...
  11. No I'm not missing your point mate, I just want you or someone to put up some evidence of what he's like or better still, what he did. Chocco has, you put your side and let people decide... There seems to be a lot of assumption and character assasination but very little actual proof... I don't care either way but if he's not guilty of anything at SMS then the ban is wrong...
  12. Not really interested in trolling public records. Just tell us what he's done and we'll draw our own conclusions. If the man is guilty of what he's accused of then fine, ban him, but don't leave hints of what he may have been up and then direct us towards public records... If he's in the wrong then fine but someone needs to state exactly what happened...
  13. Then you should tell us exactly what happened and likewise Derek should put his side as well.. In the meantime we're dealing with second/third hand accounts and judging the man on it. If the man is guilty then he deserves banning. If he's not then some people on here owe him an apology....
  14. That's **** poor Nick. I've hit him 2,000 times... I think I've got wood.....
  15. Can we not just do the decent thing and get Harry Redknapp to number one instead? I've landed a thousand punches on the **** already... You know it makes sense...
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