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Everything posted by silversaint

  1. I meant in the stands, can't have been too hard to spot considering the crowd.
  2. Any sign of the kid at the game today?
  3. This Andy Robinson??? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Robinson_(footballer)
  4. Mills must be on his way, I reckon another cb will be coming in to fill the vacancy that Dickson leaves.
  5. Giving AOC 11, possibility that he's staying? Dickson had 5 didn't he?
  6. There will be no signings announced tomorrow, I'm sure of that. On a side note does anyone know if the fulham game is on tv tonight?Ta
  7. Jason Pearce-Bompey.
  8. Doesn't work on iphones HTH.
  9. Totally agree with OP. Huddersfield have been amazing in the second half of the season & decent before then. Really hope they join us in the championship next season. Good fans, decent manager & play good football, just not as good as Saints over the season. See you in the championship terriers.
  10. Never been so nervous regarding a potentially positive outcome. The FA Cup Final 2003 was a complete bonus, JPT last year I was confident, but a completely new feeling right now. COYR, WIFM.
  11. Jaidi for me. Solid.
  12. Happy to donate mate. Look forward to the link. I don't imagine waiting for the 1st game of the season will be any kind of problem, especially considering what league we may be in!
  13. Are we actually creating anything?Doesn't sound like it.
  14. This guy in Stellings place is absolutely woeful.
  15. Come on Saints.
  16. Come on Saints, Charlton, Plymouth.
  17. Indeed. Deserved. Congratulations.
  18. Got 3 spare tickets. £15 each. Anyone want them?
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