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Everything posted by silversaint

  1. i am 23 and playing for the HOME team!
  2. Scud, what info do you require from each player? and maybe an e-mail address to send pics to?
  3. Divorce rate set to treble in Portsmouth after government tells people not to sleep with pigs
  4. anyone fancy posting the e-mail on here as i never get them?
  5. steve, no e-mail for me so can you pm me instead please? Never seem to get them!
  6. Please dont leave Kelv.
  7. Just back from the game and as much as I hate to say it today was one of the worst performances I have ever seen in my 23 years following saints. From the off we didn't have any passion and were beaten by a VERY average team. The players looked like they knew relegation was looming and the only players who showed any passion were Wotton SIZE and Kelv. I felt too embaressed to boo or clap at the end. Although staying up is still possible I feel we need to be realistic and try and keep hold of certain players for next year. Despite his screamer last week McGoldrick looked absolutely awful and well off the pace, i don't think he completed one pass. Today was horrific to watch for the fans who made the journey, and unfortunately I can't see it getting any better until next season at best.
  8. Palace will win 2-0. Get your money on it. It will make up for a terrible day of football.
  9. Steve, I still haven't got an e-mail or anything, tried to pm you but no reply! Any chance of letting me know what was on the e-mail you sent to all others involved?
  10. Still no auto confirm but I guess its nothing to worry about now if you've got my e-mail!
  11. Sorry lads, this is just pretty important to me! COYR!
  12. I still have no auto reply and have definitely sent my e-mail?
  13. I've applied but received no confirmation e-mail back. Any reason to be worried?
  14. brum scored
  15. it is!
  16. I am so so so so so up for this! Would quite easily pay to play, even for 45 minutes would be amazing! I'm in!
  17. sorry! had one too many in celebration of tonights victory! Cheers for the correction! COYR!
  18. http://saintsfc.co.uk/articles/article.php?page_id=11448 Fair play on the comments, I hope that what he says comes true and we get ourself out of this mess! I truly believe if we survive this season then we could have a good one next year!
  19. didn't we beat barnsley 5-3? Surman hatrick?
  20. thanks for the replies guys, managed to watch the ipswich ones but the virgin media link wont work for me I guess cos I'm in the states! Is there a chance anyone can put a youtube clip up of kelvs save? COYR!
  21. Great result tonight. I am out in NYC and haven't been able to see Kelvs save from Saturday or any of the goals for tonight! Any highlights would be more than appreciated! COYR!
  22. From leeds 476 mile round trip!!
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