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  1. All sorted now folks. Thank you.
  2. Argh! Missed this! They now say sold out again so if anyone hears of any for sale please let me know. My number is 07743857476 feel free to message/WhatsApp. Thanks again.
  3. I’m looking for 3 tickets for this if anyone can’t make it anymore. Either 3 x adults or 1 x adult and 2 x senior. Thanks all.
  4. Any idea how many have been sold so far?
  5. Does anyone expect this to reach general sale?
  6. Thanks a lot! Feedback is greatly appreciated!
  7. I hope this is on topic enough but I'm currently co-hosting a podcast. We review all of the premier league matches and as a saints fan there are large chunks of the show dedicated to our results, performances and upcoming games. We also focus on the rest of the premier league and some championship fixtures. Apologies if this isn't the place to share it but any new listeners/subscribers are welcomed with open arms. COYR. https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-sweeper-podcast/id1282396508?mt=2#episodeGuid=tag%3Asoundcloud%2C2010%3Atracks%2F371595260
  8. I'm looking for 2 tickets for this game but will take 1. Please let me know if you have any spares. 07743857476. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I'll take the spare if you still have it? Can't PM you unfortunately. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I'm looking for 1 possibly 2 tickets for today. Already up in Manchester but been let down by someone I was supposed to be buying from. Anyone aware of any last minute tickets available please text me on 07743857476. Cheers
  11. Is this still available??
  12. I know it's a long shot but I don't suppose anyone knows of any spare tickets for today? Been let down by the person I'd arranged to buy from but already paid for and arranged my travel.
  13. http://www.wearetherangersboys.com/forum/showthread.php?191729-Reckon-Charlie-s-Offski-this-month
  14. Haven't seen this posted elsewhere but a supposed ITK on the QPR forum claims Austin traveled to Southampton last night & has signed a contract already. Probably ****** but thought it was worth mentioning.
  15. Gonzalez not thought to be a target according to the echo.
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