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Everything posted by Wsaint

  1. Can't be blamed for leaks if you post it after it's already out in the media, very smart. All hail COT.
  2. Don't blame him for wanting to leave, but correct me if I'm wrong, everyone who has left has still been part of the squad and playing even a bit part role in preseason/ start of the league. If it's true he's kicked up a fuss and refusing to play then he can fuck off. You can still do your job and then get your move.
  3. Your sources are on a bit of a delay 😂
  4. Yes it's clearly the deep state hard at work, I shall bring a roll of tin foil next week to protect myself.
  5. Can't wait to hear what's triple Noddy.
  6. It's a bit of fun I'd say the majority of the stadium join in on, it lasts like 15 seconds if that, you can still celebrate in your own way whilst also having the music play, why must we bitch and moan about everything.
  7. Have you decided to stick around for our transfer window saints web meltdown? It's quite a sight to behold.
  8. Probably because this thread is for "other games", just a hunch.
  9. Wsaint

    Flynn Downes

    No duplicate posts please, come on mods.
  10. Is this the one city youngster we won't have anyone complaining about if we buy?
  11. Not quite true, but I guess if he had absolutely no interest in leaving we would of said no thanks to any bids.
  12. Something, something Pony.
  13. Who hurt you?
  14. Especially when we were a) drawing with the team in question and b) literally below them in the table 😂
  15. Probably the sweet, sweet ££££ in his new Liverpool contract 😂
  16. Also if he's not playing tonight I'm sure they were training this morning.
  17. Unless he's posted that to hide the truth because conspiracy, looks pretty saints at the moment.
  18. Cheers, mine are due by today so hopefully they are just running late.
  19. We're people's season tickets delivered by royal mail?
  20. Do jwp and bannon get a shot on target each? I wanna make an easy 80 quid off skybet.
  21. As long as your Internet isn't shit. But you'll be used to fuzzy and buffering from online streams so not the end of the world.
  22. Now tv has always been perfect for me.
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