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Everything posted by Ampersound

  1. Agreed.. People seem to forget that JayRod is in the wings to come back yet
  2. Agreed.. People seem to forget that JayRod is in the wings to come back yet
  3. We are playing against one the better teams in this league today with a new squad. We are doing as well as can be expected with all our changes
  4. We are playing against one the better teams in this league today with a new squad. We are doing as well as can be expected with all our changes
  5. Set up my PLP this morning and using unotelly (8 day trial) as recommended. Works a treat on mac. Just a pain having to keep changing DNS manually to hop from country to country
  6. Lovren sent off, Saints win 3-1 and Lambert scores their only goal. I'm dreaming but here's hoping!
  7. Its a wind up lol
  8. I thought that too as soon as I saw the goal. Bless the old fella
  9. Has anyone stopped to think that perhaps his move to us might improve him as a player? If he does improve within the year I very much doubt he will play again for Chelsea in any case.
  10. Surely if we only have a championship team now then we have a possibility of being a better championship team than the 3 that came up? Surely it will be just as exciting staying up in the prem on the last game of the season instead of giving up and starting in a lower league. That way we will still have the massive tv money and would be able to start again here. At the end of the day (so far) we have lost 5 key players that made us a top 8 team. Surely now we have evened ourselves with the bottom 8 (assuming we can get a couple more players in during the next few weeks)
  11. Enough is enough for this season. Yes we will always have to sell our best players, young or old. Surely we are now risking our status in the prem with all the changes.
  12. Tadic is pretty good in FIFA 14 if that means anything
  13. Happy Days... nice new kit... any new players coming in today too?
  14. He needs a full page as his letter will be written in crayon.
  15. Bye Rickie. We all still love you. Xx
  16. Want to renewal but we have decided to move back to the Southampton area after 9 years away and I just can't afford it right now. My son is gutted and that also has an affect on my nephew who I've taken for the last two years also. Gutted but at least I will pick and choose my matches I can watch and will take the hit next season at full price! Might go along and watch Eastleigh in the Conf too.
  17. 3 defensive mistakes against 2 defensive mistakes.
  18. What a waste of an evening. Jeez we didn't look interested after they scored the 2nd.
  19. Chin up lads... We will win
  20. Cus we play high up the pitch
  21. Let's win 4-2
  22. Fking hate west ham
  23. Got the controller swapped at game for the worn out thumb stick. They said it's the first they've seen worn... Which is bull as the ps4 demo controllers thumb sticks were shredded. I've ordered some orb thumb stick covers to see if that stops wearing them out. Still miles better than the xbox
  24. CorsiaUS
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