Burnley's style + wind defeated us, beside a few individual mistakes. Most of the other teams, like Liverpool, play a different style which makes it easier for us. It will be hard to defeat us this season, harder than last one, so I suppose.
Yes I know I am maybe a bit too optimistic re Danso, I am an Austrian like him. I watched him for 2 years. He has the potential to control or help to control Mane, which is a key task playing against Liverpool. Let`s see.
Would be nice to see Danso against Liverpool, according to Hasenhüttl's credo to throw in young players. Danso was in full Bundesliga training and will be eager to help.
Southampton showed in spring that after a weak game they sometimes came back stronger, unexpected. So lets see next week, will be a different game, necessarily with a somehow better defense.
Thank you!
Danso is part of the Austrian national Team sicne a year or so, he was also part of the Austrian U21 Europ. Championship team. Great performance against Germany (1:1). Fast. You can rely on him. He is young but also eyperienced in the Bundesliga. As Augsburg was not a top team in Bundesliga, Augsburg's defence was alwys under pressure, so he is familiar with high intensity.
Hello from Austria (sorry for my weak English).
I am really delighted because of this transfer! Danso is a top young player, stable, effective, physical, teamplayer. Has a great future. Will stabilize the defense of Southampton by sure. Is improving each season. Also good in initiating own attacks.