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yoda's Achievements

  1. Not a bad effort for a book that doesn't float in the bath...
  2. There's clearly a difference between best and bestest.
  3. Orville only has one entrance too so I'm sure he'll be able to cope...
  4. That's assuming they agree to reverse the charges when he calls...
  5. my money's on turkey twizzlers from Iceland
  6. good riddance.
  7. will it still be the case that ST funding will only be released on a game by game basis? if so it'll be considerably less that 1.775m available
  8. can't believe they spent months coming up with that load of eyewash and the way they were carrying on, it was like watching a bunch of all-day drinkers sat in a wetherspoons talking a load of rambling arse
  9. lots of handwringing and history lessons and bluster but they've not said how they'll pay their way
  10. so after many months of hard work, keeping everything under wraps, giving no-one details for fear of spoiling the surprise while hyping up their proposal, the trust will finally show their hand. i'll bet the drama queens are loving it, it'll be like their own olympic opening ceremony but instead of featuring a wealth of talent, hard work and good honest product, we'll see a few shuffling morons presenting a plan based on prayer and magic beans.
  11. they called that vertical one the hydro whip I think it went in early nineties (91?) - I last swam there in 89, I think, but then left the area.
  12. I got my share of hidings when I was a kid. my kids are eight and six and I've never hit them - there are other, better ways to teach them and I don't mean mental cruelty either. my view is if I hit/terrorise them I have failed.
  13. But the real question is did the hotel lay on bog roll or did Voldemort have to do the honours again?
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