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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. *waves* See ya on the dark side of the bridge!
  2. Correct.
  3. Jake has been one of the stars of pre-season for me, we need to get him signed up quick!
  4. £8 for anything over 6 hours to 24 hours. Good enough for me - even more so when my company pay for it!
  5. It'll purely be down to the fact it's on a Tuesday night - if it was a Saturday it would've been all ticket.
  6. Bring on the Blackpool caravan! Wonder if we can get one near Donny?
  7. Maybe! Or maybe I just don't want to go to SMS at the moment.
  8. Christ, travelling to London for the occassional work meeting/ training course is bad enough, I couldn't be doing with all that every day. When I do have to now (which, typically has been a good half a dozen times in the past couple of months) I drive. Leave So'ton at 07:00, parked up at Richmond by 08:20, then Richmond to Chancery Lane or Piccadilly Circus on t'tube, depending on required venue.
  9. Amy Winehouse - Back To Black
  10. Live in Shirley, closest pub is The Brass Monkey. Never been in it. Would much prefer to go to The Osborne, The Winston or venture around to London Road (where I work) and pop into Varsity.
  11. I've got AA Roadside Relay, on joint policy with hubby.
  12. 6 visits, just the one name though: Papa Shango One wonders why he was looking. One also wonders who the others were.
  13. Today I had: Mexican chicken sandwich on brown bread, with lettuce & mayo Packet of Sour Cream & Chive Golden Lights Bottle of Orange Fanta Zero Some watermelon Yum factor: 8/10
  14. Got on with things I wouldn't have otherwise. Now, my life is in tatters again.
  15. I think you also need a Latvian shirt. I have one.
  16. lol, that's quite amusing seeing as it's now on the OS! Pay on the gate (cash only, obviously) £13 adults £8 concessions (student/oap) £5 kids (under 18!)
  17. Didn't go to West Ham, not going to Stoke - will be at Woking instead.
  18. Oh noes - how inconsiderate of me! I guess I should take the blame for the corners being closed really. It's the least I can do. How on earth am I going to get through the season with that on my conscience!
  19. I shall not be there. However, I shall be at Cardiff, Exeter and Derby.
  20. Put me first on the list will ya? Ta.
  21. The only comment that I recall was that it might possibly have been due to the heat. Seems unlikely though - I mean, it's not like there haven't been hotter races!
  22. Oh, AND what happened to the Bridgestone report about what happened with Lewis' tyre? Certainly looked melted into an interesting shape when it came off his car!
  23. Christ. Bizarre situation indeed. Condolences to his family and the Renault F1 staff.
  24. Does that explain why, if you click on one and then submit your post, it comes up with a completely different one!?
  25. I hope I'm not there in four weeks!
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