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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Blah blah blah, move along, nothing to see here... (Yes, I know it's been quoted, but anyway...)
  2. Away attendances aren't dropping like they are at home, we've had decent turnouts so far. I'ma going, staying oop north for the weekend. Gonna be a goodun'. (Matt, while people are asking questions - had any thought about time and location of first beverages?)
  3. No chance. Though I also wanted Pearson to stay.
  4. Michelle


    Oh dear...
  5. He probably just inherited the name from his dad. Lazy arse.
  6. Tonight: Bugger all. Saturday: Working all day, then off for a meal with friends in the evening. Sunday: Empty out office ready for new furniture next week, sort more housey stuff out. What a thriller. The only good part of this weekend will be tomorrow evening. Roll on next weekend.
  7. Bit of a bloody mouthful. They never give their pubs sensible names.
  8. Not for me. Got Rotherham and Doncaster to look forward to.
  9. Michelle


    Had a listen on the way back from QPR today, one wonders if it may be a grower. Certainly not a stop-dead-in-your-tracks stunner on first listen.
  10. Tonight: Not a lot, possibly pop round to Minty's new pad. Saturday: Back to work, first day since holiday. (Going back on a Saturday sucks.) Wedding reception to go to in the evening. Sunday: Travel to London, watch the Grand Prix in a pub somewhere, QPR vs Saints, straight back for a quiz night in Bursledon. w00t.
  11. Yep, certainly does come as standard. The Omnia is effectively the next model up - bigger phone, bigger touch screen, bigger memory, I guess it's more in line to compete with the iPhone. Been using the camera on my Tocco much more this weekend having been away, it's very, very nice. Good range of settings and picture quality is superb for a phone camera. If you want something neat and small, go for the Tocco.
  12. Phew... what a weekend! Got back yesterday evening, expected there to be a bit of discussion about the result, and I've not been proved wrong! Gonna sit and have a read of all this properly a bit later on, and give my take on things when I've actually had the chance to stop and think properly! 'Twas an awesome weekend though, I had a fantastic view of exactly what happened, as it all took place right in front of me! Suffice to say I was livid when I heard about the stewards decision... more on that later though.
  13. I also heard about the Tocco dropping calls, apparently it was something to do with coverage switching from 3G to 2G when you're out of 3G range. Saying that, I've not yet had a problem.
  14. I've had a Tocco for about 3-4 weeks now, and love it. Functions are good, touch screen is nice and responsive, texting is just like it is on a standard phone, not a qwerty keyboard (and does predictive texting too), and from what I've seen of the camera so far, I've been impressed. Nifty little bit of kit. I was initially looking at the Soul, and having compared it quite extensively with the Tocco, I'm convinced I've got the better of the two.
  15. Eastern Europe.
  16. League games - home team gets the lot. Cup games - I believe it's 10% the FA get, and the rest is split 50-50. The thing with Saints losing money was that the tickets weren't sale or return, so we took the gamble that we'd sell 'em all, and we subsequently didn't.
  17. Steve, could you get work to chip in, or even supply/pay for one for you - assuming that you are using it for work when you're commuting, of course? Might make the MacBook option a bit more affordable, if that's really what you're after...
  18. Seat base and back, and "Emergency Exit Only" sign that was on the gate to the pitch between Archers Blocks 3 & 4.
  19. Michelle


    Mmm, Aspall Cyder. Yummy.
  20. Couple of guys stood behind us who were clearly agenty types, spent a lot of time on the phone (unsurprisingly!) unfortunately wasn't quite close enough to hear the conversations though!
  21. Lithuania? Blimey, sounds like an interesting trip! I'll be quite happy if the rain is at Stavelot, or at any other part of the course than La Source!!! I've already been suckered into merchandise, and we're not even there yet! Just hope it turns up before we fly out. More to the point, I hope the tickets do too... my booking says not to contact them until Thursday if they haven't been received... and we go out Friday morning - help! Bajster - (if you haven't already gone yet!) we still on for meeting up on Friday matey? We're not gonna make P1, will definately be about for P2 though.
  22. Yup, no problems so far.
  23. Having obviously been looking into this, have come up with the following: The main ticket office is at the main entrance (unsurprisingly!), which is located at the La Source corner area. Parking is 16 Euros per day, and there are two official car parks, yellow and green. Yellow is Francorchamps end of the track, green is Malmedy (left and right respectively as you look at a map of the track). We'l be heading for Yellow, as we're in that area anyway, would suggest anyone needing to purchase tickets on the day does the same.
  24. What is this "speedway" of which you all talk?
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