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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Chocolate and Cherry rules. Fact. J9 - in the Bargate.
  2. That's becuase you didn't push the pin back out again at the end. I've worn mine this way for three days on the spin at work, and have been doing some carrying/lifting work, and it hasn't failed on me once. I am the poppy pin master.
  3. Yeah, exactly why we did it. At the end of the day you know when you take out a fixed rate mortgage that the rate can go either way. You might end up better off, you might not, but having the security of knowing exactly what you'll be paying is more beneficial to us than just hoping for the rate to drop. 5.9% isn't too bad in the great scheme of things, bearing in mind how the rates were when we took it out, and what we could've been landed with if we hadn't shopped around!
  4. I want some of whatever you're on!
  5. As I said, in, out, in out. Start going in from the front. Poppy sits on the bit in the middle, and by going back out at the end it secures properly, and also means it isn't poking you in the chest/breast every 5 minutes.
  6. 5.9% fixed rate for another 9 years. Hmmm.
  7. Good idea in principle matey. The only possible issue I can see with that is how much you would pay - how would it work if a weekend game was moved to a midweek through telly or postponement?
  8. Bit like getting hold of the actual console last year then... good luck!
  9. In, out, in, out. As it were.
  10. Just you, Glock was deffo slowed up by not changing his tyres. As StL said, even if he did go in to change them, Lewis still would've won it as Glock would've been behind. Saying that, it's funny that Sky News are this minute saying that Lewis would've lost it had Glock pitted. Shows what they know.
  11. Awesome, nice one Stu!
  12. Moment of the season - watching Massa's family celebrating, then seeing the horror as they're told Lewis got through!!! lmfao, ****ing get in!!!
  13. Glock now fuelled to the end, interesting stuff.
  14. Not enough fuel for Vettel or Glock to maintain position. Good news for Lewis and Heikki..
  15. More to the point, bloody adverts! Thank God this is the last race of them.
  16. Bloomin' safety car!
  17. The look in Lewis' eyes is certainly one of being more at ease than Massa's... bring on the rain!
  18. Boo, hiss, etc...
  19. lol, bait taken, hook, line and sinker! :biggrin: As much as I despise The Spanish Loon Mark II, I do actually believe that he is professional enough not to interfere in such a way. Problem is, it's not exactly a big secret that him and Lewis/Macca don't get on, and after his comments about helping Massa if needed, you just can't help but have the thought in the back of your mind!
  20. I thought you were going!? Wish I bloody had. Damn late night/early morning flights.
  21. Hmm, this certainly is going to make for an interesting finale. Very surprised to see Lewis qualify that low, but then I do also think that was tactical on behalf of the red team, and we may be seeing some early pit-stops from Massa and Kimi. As long as Lewis plays it safe, he'll be home and dry. And if Fernando goes out to take him out, I will hunt him down and keeel him, (Javi-threat stylee).
  22. What an incredibly bizarre way of consuming a pickled egg. I was born in Devon and have never heard of this obscure act, let alone eaten a pickled egg in this fashion. I am, therefore, clearly lucky that I escpaed Devon at a young age.
  23. Jeez, just got back from holiday and seen the story, been having a read through the Daily Echo articles to catch up on the latest situation. Also one of those that knew Paula, absolutely stunned to find that something like this has happened. RIP Paula, you'll certainly be missed, and I hope that whoever did this gets brought to justice - fast.
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