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Everything posted by JET

  1. There's one thing we can guarantee, and that is an underwhelming performance in the game. Producing maybe 1 goal, then sitting on it for the remaining minutes (possibly conceding late on to draw). After that, I predict a late night scrambling for a transfer (I'm hoping Promes). My only worry is that I'm not sure we have a plan B If the Promes deal falls through.. meaning we'll be left with a very quiet deadline day indeed.
  2. 18th richest club in the world eh? that makes two things we're now 18th in.... Wonder which one the board cares about most?
  3. Penny pinching. AKA 'The Southampton Way' it seems.
  4. 23 days into a transfer window that has only seen departures.. come on Les, pull that cheque book out already. How long have we got to wait?
  5. 20m euro's for Carrillo is a joke anyway. A 26 year old striker with his poor scoring record is surely not worth that.
  6. Beginning to wonder if we're going to sign anyone at this point
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