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Everything posted by ChiefScummer

  1. I'd rather gao just sold us to someone who actually has money to invest and f*ck off out the club. Then we can think about les f*cking off too. But gao won't sack him because as far as he's concerned les is doing a good job. Everyone talking about clearing out the deadwood in the squad but we also need to clear out the deadwood at the top. Joke of the Premier league.
  2. 3 games in. Typical slow start for saints. Just business as usual. The worst thing about losing today was that it was at home. We still look better than last season just chill out. If we're still struggling by the end of September then I'd be worried. But for now I'm not panicking. Leicester are a bloody decent side and we bossed them for most of the game. Have some faith lads.
  3. Anyone know of any streams for this game? Ones where my laptop isn't going to get a virus
  4. Is it chlorofluoromethanes by any chance?
  5. I remember being in the spitfire watching the game with the lads a few years back and there was a table of wrenches next to us and they were screaming and booing all match. One of them was calling yoshida "yosh*tter" and were calling pelle "fit as f*ck" ruined the entire game for us. Although on the flip side of that. My missus is really together during games and never acts like a drunken yobbo. Banning women from games though, utterly ludicrous. My entire mums side of the family support saints and that includes all the women. They go to every game they can. It's a nice family day out for them. For me? It's just a p*ss up with the boys and (sometimes) the missus.
  6. Hoedt on his own is bad. Spephens on his own is bad. Combine the pair and you have a total shambles. Yoshi and vest with bednarek next in line from now on I would be happy with. Every time I see the chuckle brothers starting my heart sinks. Hughes persisting with them is a quick way to be in the bottom 3 by next month.
  7. Wondering the same thing.
  8. Yeah, just like us when we came up. We played exciting football and really went for it. Killed teams off and recruited brilliantly. Now I fear our club are more interested in staying in the league by spending the bare minimum to do so, rather than pushing on to Europe. I hope this season the team really go for it.
  9. As long as the chuckle brothers don't play then I think we will be fine. Vest and yoshi at cb is a must.
  10. Why is yoshi on the bench? Hoedt and Stephens are gash.
  11. New season bud. Let's focus on that eh
  12. Wow this thread is a s**t show already. Our fans bicker more than wet spam fans I swear. Keeping this thread on topic. I will be interesting to observe any correlation or semblance of. Although its clear sparky is not afraid of changing formation and tactics which pellegrino was to stubborn/stupid to do. I think we will hear more honesty from Hughes post game than pellegrino and hope Hughes gives the players a right good b*locking outside public view instead of criticising them in the public eye. The media would have a field day. Can we just support the f*cking team guys we've played one bloody game and already this place is a dump.
  13. Itsy bitsy spider Ingsy wingsy Danny went fishing for a trout Instead he caught a skate so he knocked the ****er out Out came the red and whites to dish out some more pain Oh ingsy wingsy Danny he shoots and scores again Yes I'm drunk OK!
  14. Watford, Newcastle, Cardiff.
  15. A bit underwhelming but I'm going to remain positive. I'd rather see Gallagher up top over ings but hopefully the lad can stay fit and bang us in 10 goals this season.
  16. Now I'm just imagining him and austin both getting injured in the same game
  17. It's £13 a pint where I live £4.40 sounds like bliss.
  18. Well we've hosted internationals before. So why not eh? Would be canny nice to see noncey Westwood get the boot from St Mary's again.
  19. *I meant play elsewhere.
  20. I asked one of my mates back in UK who is a Burnley fan if he would take forster. He said he would gladly. Seems to be only our fans who can't wait to see the back of him, of course it makes sense as fans know their squad better than anyone else, but he's still rated elsewhere. I really don't think it would be hard for him to get a move if wages and terms were agreed. Why would he turn down another shot at Europe? My heart says Burnley probably will go elsewhere for someone cheaper but I hope he does go on to play. I'd hate to see him rot on the bench. He's been great for us in the past before his injury.
  21. If our team were a bunch of miserable sods I'd be worried. It good to see the camaraderie in the team again. Even bertie is smiling. They had faces like smacked arses for a lot of last season. They seem confident going into the new season. I come from a military family and remember my uncle saying something like "when the jokes stop, you know something is very wrong" and don't forget sparky also had a cheeky dig at Austin too "and you actually scored a goal... For once" it's just a laugh mate I wouldn't worry about it.
  22. Everton looking as dogsh*t as last year in pre season. Their twitter is in full meltdown. Suddenly that 50mil looks a right waste and the fans are going ape. And people want us to emulate that club?
  23. Romeu has said that Armstrong was playing as second striker in China. Although I do honestly think another striker would be great, we shouldn't write off our new signings just yet. I'm looking forward to seeing some Armstrong belters. Not signing a striker would be disappointing but it's not all doom and gloom. I can't wait for this season.
  24. 9th place finish would be nice.
  25. I heard he was valued at around £23mil. (collegue is a sevilla fan but knows la liga inside out) Whatever the case we should be all over that surely?
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